Healthcare Facilities Inspection Reports

Update 6/4/2021:  The Department has replaced the software on this webpage and has resumed posting the inspection reports.  We have almost 1,200 reports to post and anticipate completing the posting within the next several days.  We appreciate your patience and understanding and will keep you apprised.  Mahalo.

Update 6/24/2021:  The Department has posted the inspection reports which were delayed due to the replacement of the software on this webpage.  The link to the newly posted inspection reports will identify the actual survey date instead of the survey year for ease to see at-a-glance when the survey was actually completed.

The Department of Health conducts regular state licensing or certification inspections of health care facilities throughout the state to ensure their compliance with the state’s licensure or certification requirements. As required by Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) Section 321-1.8, the reports on these inspections shall be posted on the department’s website for access by the public. The inspection reports on this website are for inspections conducted on or after January 1, 2015, pursuant to HRS §321-1.8.

Click here to visit the Medicare Nursing Home Compare website to view the inspection reports on Medicare-certified skilled nursing facilities in Hawaii.

Click here to view the inspection reports of Adult Foster Homes under the department’s Developmental Disabilities Division (DDD).

The inspection reports on this website are on the following types of health care facilities:

  • Adult Day Health
  • Adult Day Care Center (ADCC)
  • Community Care Foster Family Homes (CCFFH)
  • Developmental Disabilities Domiciliary Homes (DDDH)
  • Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF-IID)
  • Long-term care facilities as defined in HRS §349-21(f), including:
    • Adult Residential Care Homes (ARCH) and Expanded Adult Residential Care Homes (E-ARCH)
    • Assisted Living Facilities (ALF)
    • Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF)
    • Nursing Facilities (NF)
    • Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)
  • Special Treatment Facilities (STF)

HRS §321-1.8 requires that each posted inspection report shall include the following information:

  1. The date of the inspection;
  2. A description of violations of relevant state laws or rules, if applicable;
  3. Plans of correction and the status of corrective actions in response to any violations, if applicable;
  4. A list and description of all corrective actions taken by the facility, if applicable, to be submitted by the facility and added to the report at a later time, as determined by the department; and
  5. Other information regarding the quality and conditions of the facility the Department of Health deems appropriate.

Some facilities or care homes are licensed or certified for two (2) years and inspection reports are not required every year. Those years are identified as “Not Required.”

To view the inspection report of a specific health care facility, use the search function and enter the facility’s name.  The table can also be sorted by name and facility type.  Click on the link under the Inspection Reports column to view that year’s report.

Information that could identify individual residents has been redacted pursuant to federal HIPAA requirements or Section 92F, Hawaii Revised Statutes.