Brownfields Forums
The HEER encourages redevelopment of properties that may have been contaminated or potentially contaminated with hazardous substances and petroleum, which are referred to as “Brownfields”.
The HEER Office, in support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (US EPA’s) Brownfields Program, is continuously conducting Brownfields Forums. The mission of these forums is to inform and reach out to the community regarding various US EPA Brownfields Grants available to the community for assessment and cleanup.
Several Brownfields Forums were conducted by the HEER Office in the past several years to support redevelopment and to reach out to environmental stakeholders, developers, state and city and county officials, and private landowners.
2020 Brownfields Workshop: July 28–29, 2020
The HEER Office collaborated with the US EPA and the Center for Creative Land Recycling to present the Hawaiʻi Brownfields Virtual Forum on 7/28–29/2020. The forum had initially been planned as an in-person event, but due to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic was converted to an all-virtual format.
Topics included land reuse to affordable housing and open space, economic development, environmental issues associated with brownfield properties, emerging contaminants of concern (e.g., PFASs), the Waikoloa Areawide Environmental Hazard Management Plan (AEHMP) for UXO, Construction EHMPs for development, the latest on public record requests, the new iHEER database, and the use of the new DOH e-permitting portal.
The all-online event was attended by approximately 140 participants from the Hawaiian Islands, the Northern Marianas Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the continental United States.
Videos of all sessions are available at the HEER Webinar Series YouTube channel.
- Maui County Brownfields Redevelopment Workshop – July 12, 2018
- Kauaʻi County Brownfields and Redevelopment Workshop – July 10, 2018
- Hawaiʻi County Brownfields and Redevelopment Workshop – November 2, 2017
- Seventh Brownfields Forum – September 22, 2015
- Fifth Brownfields Forum – May 24, 2011
- Agendas From Previous Forums
County Brownfields Workshops
In 2017, in an effort to reach out to different counties in the State of Hawaiʻi, the HEER Office decided to conduct Brownfields Workshops in Hawaiʻi, Maui and Kauaʻi Counties. The workshops were conducted in collaboration and partnership with US EPA and the Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR). The purpose of the workshops was to present the step-by-step process of turning unproductive properties into much-needed redevelopment, e.g., affordable housing, commercial properties, and open recreational spaces. These workshops also provided information on various EPA Brownfields Grants.
These three workshops were attended by representatives of county and state agencies, non-profit organizations, and eligible landowners. Seasoned professionals, EPA staff, and experts with local experience spoke about Brownfields redevelopment, land recycling, cleanup of contaminated properties, and various Brownfields Grants available for assessment, cleanup, job training, areawide planning, Targeted Brownfields Grants, and the Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund.
Maui County Brownfields Redevelopment Workshop – July 12, 2018
⋅ Alan Arakawa, Maui County Mayor
⋅ Keith Kawaoka, DOH Deputy Director for Environmental Health
Overview of State Environmental Management in Hawaiʻi
⋅ Fenix Grange, HEER Office Manager
⋅ Dr. Lorrin Pang, M.D., DOH Maui District Health Officer
Brownfields Basics and the Hawai’i Environmental Response Law (Panel)
⋅ Fenix Grange, HEER Office Manager
⋅ Noemi Emeric-Ford, US EPA Region 9 Brownfields Coordinator
⋅ Melody Calisay, HEER Office Brownfields Redevelopment Coordinator
⋅ Roger Brewer, HEER Office Risk Assessor
Illustrative Hawaiʻi Brownfields Redevelopment Projects
⋅ Roger Brewer, HEER Office Risk Assessor
⋅ Melody Calisay, HEER Office Brownfields Redevelopment Coordinator
Maui Brownfields Redevelopment Stakeholders (Panel Discussion)
⋅ Michele McLean, Director, Planning Department
⋅ Robert Parsons, Environmental Coordinator, Office of Economic Development
LUNCH BREAK ⋅ Speaker: Darrell Ing
General Grant and Financing Opportunities Panel Discussion
⋅ Noemi Emeric-Ford, US EPA Region 9 Brownfields Coordinator
⋅ Ignacio Dayrit, Programs Director, California Center for Land Recycling
Maui Brownfields Redevelopment Projects Discussion and/or Grant Writing Primer
⋅ Ignacio Dayrit, Programs Director, California Center for Land Recycling

Maui County Mayor Alan Arakawa giving the opening remarks during the Maui County Brownfields Workshop

Fenix Grange, HEER Office Program Manager, giving a slide presentation at the Kauaʻi County Brownfields Workshop

Maui County Brownfields Workshop. Standing row from left to right: Steven Mow, SDAR Supervisor; Naomi Emeric-Ford, US EPA Region 9 Brownfields Coordinator; Darrell Ing, Department of Hawaiian Homelands Land Agent; Fenix Grange, HEER Office Program Manager; seated from left to right: Davis Bernstein, Program Master of Ceremony; Melody Calisay, HEER Office Brownfields Coordinator; Ignacio Dayrit, Executive Director for Center for Creative Land Recycling.
Kauaʻi County Brownfields and Redevelopment Workshop – July 10, 2018
⋅ Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr., Kauaʻi County Mayor
⋅ Keith Kawaoka, DOH Deputy Director for Environmental Health
Overview of State Environmental Management in Hawaiʻi
⋅ Fenix Grange, HEER Office Program Manager
⋅ Gerald Takamura, DOH Kauaʻi District Health Officer
Brownfields Basics and the Hawaiʻi Environmental Response Law (Panel)
⋅ Fenix Grange, HEER Office Program Manager
⋅ Noemi Emeric-Ford, US EPA Region 9 Brownfields Coordinator
⋅ Melody Calisay, HEER Office Brownfields Redevelopment Coordinator
⋅ Roger Brewer, HEER Office Risk Assessor
Illustrative Hawaiʻi Brownfields Redevelopment Projects
⋅ Roger Brewer, HEER Office Risk Assessor
⋅ Melody Calisay, HEER Office Brownfields Redevelopment Coordinator
Kauaʻi Brownfields Redevelopment Stakeholders (Panel Discussion)
⋅ Lee Steinmetz, Kauaʻi County Office of Planning, Transportation and Planning Officer
⋅ George Costa, Kauaʻi County Office of Economic Development Director
⋅ Kanani Fu, Kauaʻi County Housing Director
⋅ Lyle Tabata, Kauaʻi County Public Works Director
LUNCH BREAK ⋅ Speaker: Darrell Ing
General Grant and Financing Opportunities Panel Discussion
⋅ Noemi Emeric-Ford, US EPA Region 9 Brownfields Coordinator
⋅ Ignacio Dayrit, Programs Director, California Center for Land Recycling
Kauaʻi Brownfields Redevelopment Projects Discussion and/or Grant Writing Primer Options: Site-specific round table discussions
⋅ Ignacio Dayrit, Programs Director, California Center for Land Recycling
Hawaiʻi County Brownfields and Redevelopment Workshop – November 2, 2017
⋅ Harry Kim, Hawaiʻi County Mayor
⋅ Keith Kawaoka, DOH Deputy Director for Environmental Health
Overview of State Environmental Management in Hawaiʻi
⋅ Fenix Grange, HEER Office Program Manager
Brownfields Grants Panel Discussions
⋅ Ignacio Dayrit, Programs Director, California Center for Land Recycling
⋅ Melody Calisay, HEER Office Brownfields Coordinator
Brownfields Success Story, Hawaiʻi Island Community Development Corporation, Kohala Pesticide Mixing
⋅ Brian Nishimura, HICDC Planning Consultant
⋅ Jeremy McComber, HICDC Development Manager
Hawaiʻi County Environmental Contamination and Cleanup: Common Sources, Assessment and Cleanup Options:
⋅ John Peard, HEER Hilo Office Project Manager
⋅ Roger Brewer, HEER Office Risk Assessor
Hawaiʻi County Coordination on Potential Brownfields Redevelopment Sites:
⋅ Wiliam Kucharski, Director, Hawaiʻi County Department of Environmental Management
⋅ Michael Yee, Hawaiʻi County Planning Director

Keith Kawaoka, DOH Deputy Director for the Environment; Harry Kim, Hawaiʻi County Mayor ; Davis Bernstein, Consultant and Master of Ceremony; Fenix Grange, HEER Office Program Manager
Seventh Brownfields Forum – September 22, 2015
On September 22, 2015 the HEER Office, in collaboration with the City and County of Honolulu, US EPA Region 9, and the Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR), hosted Hawaiʻi’s 7th Brownfields Forum, entitled Supporting Development and Land Reuse around Honolulu’s Rail Stations. The Forum was created to encourage private owners, developers, and investors to redevelop Brownfields properties around Honolulu Transit Oriented Development by:
• Facilitating interaction and partnerships among diverse stakeholders,
• Explaining regulatory requirements and the use of site assessment/cleanup tools,
• Informing stakeholders of grants and other financial incentives, and
• Identifying obstacles and incentives to help further facilitate redevelopment.
Over 160 participants attended the Forum in person, and more than 40 people participated by webinar. This was the first forum in which a live stream was conducted. Participants in the webinar included interested parties from all over the State of Hawaiʻi and across the USA. Interestingly, the majority of the attendees were property owners and tenants around the Transit Oriented areas, public development agencies, private developers, public interest groups, bankers, environmental consultants, and more. With the rail underway on Oʻahu, there was also considerable interest from affordable housing developers, who had not previously interacted with the HEER Office, and were not familiar with our regulatory programs or the unique challenges of redeveloping contaminated properties in Hawaiʻi.
Fifth Brownfields Forum – May 24, 2011
The HEER Office collaborated with two other state agencies, the Hawaiʻi Department of Business Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) and the Hawaiʻi Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR), to conduct the Hawaiʻi Build and Buy Green + Brownfields Redevelopment + Green Workforce Development Conference and Expo, held May 24, 2011. This was the first year the three stand-alone events were brought together as one. The combined event focused on regeneration and reuse of contaminated land, renewable energy, green buildings and green workforce development. Over 400 participants and 50 exhibitors attended.
Program – May 24, 2011
Invitation – April 27, 2011
Agenda – May 24, 2011
Speaker Handout – May 20, 2011
- The Brownfields Redevelopment Process – Ignacio Dayrit, Program Director, Center for Creative Land Recycling
- Benefits & Risks of Brownfield Redevelopment – Rayo Bhumgara, President, Sustainable Strategies 2050 LLC
- Environmental Permitting Challenges & Opportunities – Stuart Yamada, Chief, DOH Environmental Management Division
- Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Office Programs & Responsibilities – Lynn Bailey, Brownfields and Voluntary Cleanup Program Specialist, HEER Office
- Environmental Due Diligence, Site Assessment & Hazard Evaluation Overview – Damon Hamura, Principal, EnviroServices & Training Center
- Environmental Liability Protection – Lisa A. Bail, Esq., Partner, Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel LLP
- Look Before You Leap Due Diligence and Former Sugarcane Operations – Roger Brewer, Senior Scientist and Environmental Hazard Assessment Specialist, HEER Office
- Forest City Enterprises Photovoltaic Development – Race Randle, Development Manager, Forest City Hawaiʻi
- Gasco Site Remediation Lessons Learned – Mark Sutterfield, Consultant, HEER Office and Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch; and Chris Morgan, PE, Weston Solutions
Agendas From Previous Forums
- 4th Forum Agenda, October 22, 2008 – Real Solutions to the Obstacles of Redeveloping Contaminated Property
- 3rd Forum Agenda, October 24, 2007 – Session 1: Managing the Risks of Developing Brownfields, Session 2: Everything Owners and Developers Should Know About Site Investigations
- 2nd Forum Agenda, November 1, 2006 – Removing Obstacles and Creating Incentives for Brownfields Redevelopment
- 1st Forum Agenda, April 5, 2006 – Redeveloping Brownfields Through Collaboration and Cooperation