Safe Spaces

Social stigma, micro-aggressions, discrimination, and even outright violence have been reported by SGM people throughout their lives, in multiple settings. Such negative experiences can contribute to severe health outcomes such as depression, substance use, self-harm, and suicidality.

To counteract these harms, a cultural shift is needed. Creating spaces and opportunities that promote understanding, prioritize inclusion, and highlight lived experiences can be the first steps towards a more diverse and healthy community. Check out great resources below!

From Safe Spaces Hawaii, the ABCs of LGBTQ guides viewers through some basic but important lessons about sexual orientation, gender identity and expression. From the perspective of high school youth, this video shows the harm that bullying, stereotypes and rejection can have on youth as well as how youth can flourish with support from both peer and adult allies affirming their identities.

Download the Guiding Document for Post-Viewing Discussion. or Script.


For local SGM reading lists for various age groups, contact the McCully-Mo’ili’ili Public Library at (808) 973-1099 during open hours.

DOH’s sexual and gender minority health work is supported with State funding.