Two males in silhouette looking at each other

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Understanding HIV & AIDS in Hawai‘i

Prevention, data and statistics of this disease

Learn the facts about Viral Hepatitis

Hawai‘i is one of the states with the highest rates of liver cancer

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs) are on the rise

Learn where you can get tested for STIs


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Information and Support


Learn the Facts

Welcome! We are the Harm Reduction Services Branch (HRSB), and we coordinate statewide efforts to address viral hepatitis, HIV, and sexually transmitted infections. We also work on related issues like opioid overdose prevention and LGBTQ+ health. If you are a medical provider, we can provide support through education, partner services, and connections to our local network of care. If you need help, we can connect you to services and information so you can feel empowered and stay healthy.

We are proud of our mission to empower people in Hawai‘i to make responsible health decisions for themselves and others by:

  • Providing statewide leadership and coordination for the prevention, treatment, care and surveillance of infections transmitted primarily through sexual contact or injection drug use and
  • Assuring the accessibility and delivery of client-centered, non-judgmental, and comprehensive services with the spirit of aloha and respect.

HRSB’s sexual and gender minority health work is supported with State funding.