STI/HIV Clinic at the Diamond Head Health Center

Call for Appointment

Call (808) 733-9849
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Clinic Location

Diamond Head Health Center
3627 Kilauea Avenue, Ste. 305
Honolulu, HI 96816

Patient Services Hours

Open Monday – Friday
11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
(except holidays)

FREE STI and HIV Testing

The STI/HIV Clinic at the Diamond Head Health Center offers testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Clinic services are confidential and free. Health insurance is not needed to be seen. We welcome you to our clinic without any judgment regardless of disability, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, race, color, and sex or gender identity.

photograph of Diamond Head Health Center's front entrance
Pictured above: photograph of Diamond Head Health Center’s front entrance

Who can get services at the Clinic

  • Anyone 14 years of age and older can be seen without permission from their parent(s) or guardian(s)
  • If you are pregnant, please consult your obstetrician (a medical doctor who specializes in caring for women before, during, and after pregnancy). To find a healthcare provider, click here.

Common reasons why people come to the Clinic

  • “I think I have signs of an infection”
  • “Someone I had sex with told me they have an infection”
  • “I was tested here and you guys told me to come back”
  • “Someone from the health department called me and told me I need to come in”
  • “A doctor or nurse I saw at a different clinic told me to come here”
  • “I feel fine – I just want to get tested”

Call ahead to schedule an appointment (highly recommended)

  • Call (808) 733-9849, Monday – Friday (except for state holidays) between 8:00AM to 3:00PM to schedule your appointment
  • If we do not answer, please leave a voicemail; slowly and clearly state your name and phone number and we will call you back in 1-2 business days

Walk-in WITHOUT an appointment

  • Only available in case of appointment no-shows
  • You must be onsite, pre-registered, and waiting at the time of no-show
  • First come, first served basis
  • We cannot guarantee that you will be seen the same day. You may be required to make an appointment for a future day
  • If a walk-in can be accommodated, wait times may be long

We CAN test you for:

We CANNOT test you for:

*Eligibility for HIV and Syphilis testing are based on behavioral risk factors.


  • Free testing and treatment for STIs (including gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis)
  • Free testing and treatment for your sex partners
  • Referral to HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (HIV PrEP) for HIV prevention
  • Help finding HIV medical care (for those living with HIV)
  • Free condoms and lube

If you believe you have been exposed to HIV in the last 72 hours: The Clinic does not provide HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (HIV PEP). Seek immediate medical care from your nearest Emergency Department and speak with a healthcare provider regarding HIV PEP. You may still be able to prevent from becoming infected with HIV by taking HIV PEP.

  • Bring photo identification (ex. driver’s license, state ID, US or International Passport)
  • All clients will complete a clinic intake form
  • Do not pee (shi-shi) one hour before testing
  • Clients will wait outside in the courtyard while waiting to be registered
  • Bring cash or credit card to pay to park in the Diamond Head Health Center public parking lot
  • Arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment. You may lose your appointment if you arrive late and you will be rescheduled
  • Only the patient is allowed in the clinic
  • Pets are not allowed in the clinic (services animals are OK)
  • Children are not allowed in the clinic. For your child’s safety, please arrange for childcare outside of the clinic while you are being seen

By car: Visitors may pay for parking at Diamond Head Health Center or use street parking.

Paid Parking: The public parking entrance is located off of Kilauea Avenue (street-level).

  • Pay at a pay station using cash or a credit card.
  • While parked, visitors must display the receipt printed by the pay station on the dashboard of the vehicle.
  • Parking must be paid for 1 or 2 hours only (no smaller increments).

By public transportation: Diamond Head Health Center is located near Kapiolani Community College. The bus is available on Route #3 (Kaimuki-Salt Lake Line). Check with The Bus at (808) 848-5555 or

When you arrive

You will be asked to provide your name, date of birth, phone number, and address (this information will be kept confidential). We will sign you up for a confidential online portal called Chexout to give you your results.

During your visit

How we test you for STIs:

A urine test – you pee in a cup
A blood test – our staff takes blood from your arm or pricks your finger
A physical exam – a healthcare provider looks at your skin, throat, and genital (private) area to check for signs of an STI
A swab test – you or the healthcare provider will swab your penis, vagina, urethra, cervix, anus (butt) and/or throat

You can get tested for STIs even if you’re not showing any signs of one. Some STIs can look alike, so you may also be tested for other infections. Our healthcare providers might be able to tell right away if you have an STI, but some results take 7-10 business days to come back from the lab. 

Chexout will tell you through text or email when your results are ready to view. Then, you can login to Chexout to see your full results. If you do not sign up for Chexout, you will be asked to return to the clinic to receive your results.

If you are asked to do additional HIV testing (through a blood draw from your arm), those results – positive or negative – are never given over the phone. We will schedule a time for you to come back to get your results.

To receive a paper copy of your records, please come to the STI/HIV Clinic during business hours.

Photo identification that matches your medical record is required.

It may take up to seven business days for your request to be completed.

Your records at the Diamond Head Health Clinic are always kept confidential. This means that information regarding testing, diagnosis and treatment services provided to you at the Clinic is private. Your medical records will only be released to you or your health care provider with your written approval, unless otherwise required by law.

All staff sign a confidentiality oath to keep all patient information private. This oath requires staff not to share patient information to unauthorized persons, even after they no longer work for us. Our staff understands that the unauthorized release of information will result in disciplinary action or termination of their employment. You may request your records be shared with others by submitting a form. Clinic medical records are protected by The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996.

About Mpox Vaccinations
If you think you may be at risk for mpox, please read HDOH’s mpox webpage to see if you should consider getting vaccinated against mpox and to find out where you can get vaccinated.