Hawaii State Hospital


Welcome to Hawaii’s Co-Occurring Information Resource Page!

Brought to you by AMHD (Adult Mental Health Division)

What are Co-occurring Disorders?
Co-occurring Disorders are when a person has a mental illness and a substance use disorder.

Family and Friends
If you have a loved one who has co-occurring disorder or you think they might have one, this section provides you with information about co-occurring disorders and information on how to help.

This section is for those who have been diagnosed with co-occurring disorders or think that they might have a co-occurring disorder. If you need immediate help, contact the Access Line at 832-3100. On the neighbor islands, call toll free at 1-800-753-6879.

This section is for those already in the field or would like to enter the field. It includes treatment resources like links for free or low-cost treatment manuals and free patient handouts.
• Treatment Resources
• Grants

Documents & Reports
