Environmental Hazard Management Plans
An Environmental Hazard Management Plan (EHMP) documents the presence of contaminated environmental medium (e.g., soil, soil vapor, sediment, surface water, and/or groundwater) on a site and describes how the remaining contamination must be managed. The EHMP presents all necessary information in a single, user-friendly, stand-alone document that identifies:
- what contaminants have been identified to be present at the site above unrestricted/residential use screening criteria
- where the identified contamination is located (if known)
- potential environmental concerns posed by the contamination
- appropriate handling and disposal instructions, and
- responsibilities of individual parties (owners and operators) to ensure that all requirements outlined in the EHMP are followed and nobody is harmed.
There may be different types of EHMPs based on the specific phase and associated exposure concerns at the site. The three types of EHMPs are:
- Site-Specific – Where the site has been investigated through either the removal or remedial process and contamination remains in-place at the site.
- These may be interim or long-term
- Construction – When construction-activities will be conducted at a site where contamination remains. Designed to primarily protect site workers and ensure that contaminated media is dealt with appropriately.
- Programmatic (Area-Wide) – Where widespread contamination is assumed to be present over a large area. Typically covers common/public areas or large state/county owned areas.
- Site-Specific EHMP Template
- Construction EHMP Templates and Fact Sheet
- Active Programmatic EHMPs
The HEER Office has released an EHMP Template to assist with the preparation of site-specific EHMPs. HEER recommends that site-specific EHMPs be developed using the EHMP Template tool in order to expedite review and approval; however, it should be noted that this is not a guidance document, and the template should be revised based on site and project specific information. In addition, this template is not all encompassing, and HDOH may require additional information or different actions that are site-specific. It is still the responsibility of the preparer to ensure that the EHMP adheres to HEER guidance documents, applicable regulations, and previously selected removal/remedial alternatives. Please submit any questions or comments regarding the EHMP Template to the HEER Office.
To assist with the development of appropriate Construction EHMPs (C-EHMPs), HEER has released a C-EHMP Template and a C-EHMP Fact Sheet. HEER recommends that project-specific C-EHMPs be developed using the C-EHMP Template tool in order to expedite review and approval; however, it should be noted that this is not a guidance document and the template should be revised based on site and project specific information. In addition, this template is not all encompassing, and HDOH may require additional information or different actions that are site-specific. It is still the responsibility of the preparer to ensure that the C-EHMP adheres to HEER guidance documents, applicable regulations, and previously selected removal/remedial alternatives. Version 4 of the C-EHMP Template, dated Sept 8, 2020, supersedes Version 3 of the C-EHMP Template. For more information and explanation on C-EHMPs, see the Final C-EHMP Fact Sheet, dated February 2020. Please submit any questions or comments regarding the C-EHMP Template to the HEER Office.
- Construction EHMP Template V4-09/08/2020 (MS Word format)
- Construction EHMP Template V4-09/08/2020 (PDF format)
- Construction EHMP Fact Sheet-02/05/2020 (February 2020)
The Iwilei District encompasses approximately 315 acres of land in Honolulu and includes land owned privately and by the State of Hawaiʻi. The HEER Office is overseeing remediation of potentially hazardous contaminants of concern that are present in soil, groundwater, and soil gas at various locations within the Iwilei District. Widespread, shallow petroleum contamination related to past releases from tank farms and pipelines is the primary concern, but metals and pesticides are also present in some areas.
To assist those who may become exposed to this contamination, the HEER Office has developed a Programmatic Environmental Hazard Evaluation (EHE) / Environmental Hazard Management Plan (EHMP) document for the Iwilei District that details remedial measures and controls that are consistent with EHMPs implemented at other sites in Hawaii where contamination is present.
No further investigation or remedial action is required at many of these sites, provided that long-term site management requirements in the EHMP are followed. The PowerPoint Presentation for the Webinar on the Programmatic EHE/EHMP that was held on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 is available for download.
Since 2011, the HEER Office has been working with the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) to help them identify properties with contamination or potential contamination within or near the 20-mile Honolulu Rail Transit Project (HRTP) alignment.
Construction and preconstruction activities throughout the project require the movement of large volumes of soil and groundwater. In order to protect human health and the environment during the project, HART has completed additional sampling in some areas, written characterization reports for specific sites, written Environmental Hazard Evaluations (EHE) and Environmental Hazard Management Plans (EHMP) for specific sites, and developed a Programmatic EHE-EHMP to manage soil and groundwater throughout the entire HRTP.
An overview of the HTRP project and related environmental documents, including interactive map is provided on a separate web page at this link.
An Areawide EHE/EHMP for the Kahului Harbor Industrial District (Interim Final, dated June 2018, Version 1) is linked below for review and comment. Comments are requested by November 30, 2018 and should be sent to Iris van der Zander via e-mail at iris.vanderzander@doh.hawaii.gov. Comments received will be considered for revisions or improvements to Version 1 of the document. This Areawide EHE/EHMP provides guidance for handling potential soil or groundwater contaminants during surface and subsurface excavation work on utility construction or repair projects in areas such as roadways, rights-of-way, or other areas in the Kahului Harbor Industrial District that do not have site-specific EHE/EHMPs.
The HEER Office has prepared an Areawide Environmental Hazard Management Plan for the Waikoloa Maneuver Area on the Island of Hawaiʻi. Explosives Safety Guidance to Help Protect You from Munitions. This document provides guidance to address unexploded ordnance (UXO) hazards and to safely develop properties within the Waikoloa Maneuver Area.
In 2019, the HEER Office began working with the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation, Airports Division (DOT-A) to help them manage potential contamination that may be encountered during construction activities conducted at any of the 15 State-owned Airports. Multiple construction projects are planned at several Airports as part of the Hawaiʻi Airports Modernization Program, and contaminated soil, groundwater, and/or soil vapor may be encountered in certain areas during construction activities.
As part of the effort to identify areas where contamination may be encountered during the planned construction projects and then subsequently address and manage identified contamination during construction, DOT-A developed a Programmatic EHE-EHMP to manage soil, groundwater and/or soil vapor during construction activities conducted at the Airports. A copy of the Programmatic EHE-EHMP for the Airports is provided below. It should be noted that certain portions of Airports have their own site-specific EHMPs, which supersede the Programmatic EHE-EHMP. In addition, in some cases depending on the extent and magnitude of contamination identified and the planned construction activities, HDOH may determine that a site-specific EHMP for construction is required.
The Kakaʻako Makai District and 43 Ahui Street, Former John Dominis EHMPs cover portions of the Kakaʻako Makai District. These portions include certain land areas located southwest (makai) of Ala Moana Boulevard, bounded by Forrest Avenue to the northwest and the Kewalo Basin to the southeast. The EHMPs are meant to document the extent and magnitude of the contaminated soil and groundwater left in place at the site, summarize the potential environmental hazards associated with the contamination, and provide details for the long term management of the contamination.