Integrated Report and Total Maximum Daily Loads

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Integrated Report (IR)

The purpose of the Integrated Report (IR) is to inform the public of the overall status of surface water quality statewide, describing the extent to which water quality provides for the protection and propagation of a balanced population of shellfish, fish, and wildlife, and allows recreational activities in and on the water. The report is prepared to fulfill the requirements for State reporting pursuant to Clean Water Act (CWA) Sections 303(d) and 305(b), which require states to provide an assessment every two years on the quality of all their waters (§305(b)), and a list of those waters that are impaired or threatened (§303(d)). The report is intended to guide future management actions for state waters, provide data for long term trend assessment, and document water quality improvements across the state.

Click Here to Access the Most Recent IR

Click Here to Access the Most Recent IR Acceptance Letter

Clean Water Act §303(d) List

The Clean Water Act §303(d) list is a list of State waters that are determined to be impaired. A waterbody is considered to be impaired when monitoring data has shown that the water exceeds the State’s water quality standards. This list is required to be updated on a two-year cycle.

The Clean Water Branch currently uploads all IR documents to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) How’s My Waterway website. Once on the site, go to Hawaii Documents to find the IR.

Click Here to Access the Most Recent IR and §303(d) List on EPA’s Site

Clean Water Act §305(b) List

The Clean Water Act §305(b) list is a list of all State waters and an assessment on their compliance with State water quality standards. This list includes all State waters including those that are compliant with State water quality standards unlike the Clean Water Act §303(d) list which only contains impaired waters. This list is required to be updated on a two-year cycle.

The Clean Water Branch currently uploads all IR documents to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) How’s My Waterway website. Once on the site, go to Hawaii Documents to find the IR.

Click Here to Access the Most Recent IR and §305(b) List on EPA’s Site

Submittal of Data for Consideration in the IR

The Hawaii State Department of Health (HIDOH) is obligated by the Clean Water Act (CWA) Sections (§) 303(d) and §305(b) to report on the State’s water quality on a two-year cycle. As part of the IR process, the Clean Water Branch may consider data submitted by the public for use in the assessment of water quality of State waters, provided that data meets Clean Water Branch data acceptance criteria. Data that does not meet the data submittal criteria may not be considered for use in the Integrated Report. In preparation for this, HIDOH will announce a call for data submissions on every odd-numbered year for reporting in even numbered years.

For the Clean Water Branch to use submitted data, submittals must conform to the provided data acceptance criteria.

The Data Submittal Form can be found here.

Prior Reports

The following files are previous IRs and supporting documents.

These documents are provided for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for the most recently approved IR available on EPA’s How’s My Waterway Site.

Report Supporting Documents
2022 State of Hawaii Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report 2022 Approval Letter
No Comments received
2020 State of Hawaii Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report 2020 Patial Approval Letter
2020 IR HIDOH Responses
2018 State of Hawaii Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report 2018 Approval Letter
2018 IR HIDOH Responses
2016 State of Hawaii Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report 2016 Approval Letter
2016 IR HIDOH Responses
2014 State of Hawaii Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report 2014 Approval Letter
2014 IR Comments and HIDOH Responses
2012 State of Hawaii Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report 2012 Approval Letter
2008/2010 State of Hawaii Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report 2008/2010 Approval Letter
2006 State of Hawaii Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report 2006 Approval Letter

Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)

Section 303(d)(1)(C) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) implementing regulations (40 CFR Part 130 [note: CFR is the Code of Federal Regulations]) require the establishment of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) to achieve state water quality standards (WQS) when a waterbody is water quality-limited.

A TMDL identifies the amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can assimilate and still comply with applicable WQS. TMDLs quantify the amount a pollutant must be reduced to achieve a level (or “load”) that allows a given waterbody to fully support its designated uses. TMDLs also include an appropriate margin of safety (MOS) to account for uncertainty or lack of knowledge regarding the pollutant loads and the response of the receiving water.

The mechanisms used to address water quality problems after the TMDL is developed can include a combination of best management practices (BMPs) for nonpoint sources and/or effluent limits required through USEPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for point sources.

The TMDL process serves as a roadmap for water body restoration by focusing on improving water quality in impaired surface waters identified in the biennial State of Hawaii Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report. TMDLs identify sources of pollution within a watershed and determine pollutant load reductions required for a water body to meet water quality standards.

The TMDL process is a vital component of implementing water quality improvement projects under Clean Water Act Section 319(h) grants, administered by the Department of Health, Polluted Runoff Control Program.

Additional information on TMDLs can be found on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency TMDL website.

Current TMDL Projects

Water Quality Restoration Project for Kalihi Stream, Keehi Lagoon, and Moanalua Stream

The CWB is currently conducting an ongoing water quality restoration project for Kalihi Stream, Keehi Lagoon, and Moanalua Stream.

For more information on the project, please see the fact sheet for the project at:

Ka’elepulu/Enchanted Lake Assessment Project

The CWB has completed its water quality assessment of the Ka’elepulu waterbody in Kailua. Waters were tested for fecal indicator bacteria (enterococciClostridium perfringens), nutrients (total nitrogentotal phosphorus, nitrate nitrite) chlorophyll a, silicates, turbidity, and total suspended solids. A link to a pdf of the assessment report can be found here.

Assessment is the first step in water quality restoration. For restoration to be successful, CWB is seeking the cooperation and participation of all community members and stakeholders. Please attend the local community meetings so your concerns and feedback are heard. Consider participating in events dedicated to improving water quality such as the removal of invasive species and the cultivation of rain gardens.

Any questions can be directed to

Mahalo for your assistance in restoring, protecting, and preserving Hawai’i’s treasured water resources.

TMDL Technical Reports and Implementation Plans for Approved TMDLs

For the DOH Submittal Letter, EPA Approval Letter, and the EPA Review Checklist, please contact the Clean Water Branch.

Waterbody Documents
Waikele Watershed, Oahu May 9, 2019 Waikele TMDL
May 9, 2019 Waikele TMDL Checklist
May 9, 2019 Waikele TMDL Approval Letter
Appendix A HSPF Hydrology and Sediment Final Report
Appendix B HSPF Nutrient Calibration Report
Appendix C Supplemental Loading Calculation Information
Kaneohe Stream, Oahu Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for Total Suspended Solids, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Kaneohe Stream, Kaneohe, Oahu
Upper Kaukonahua Stream, Oahu Total Maximum Daily Loads for the North and South Forks of Kaukonahua Stream, Oahu
Kapaa Stream, Oahu Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for Total Suspended Solids, Nitrogen, and Phosphorous in Kapa’a Stream, Kailua, Hawaii
Kawa Stream, Oahu Revised Allocations of Total Maximum Daily Loads of Total Suspended Solids, Nitrogen and Phosphorus for Kawa Stream Kaneohe, Hawaii
Revised Allocations of Total Maximum Daily Loads of Total Suspended Solids, Nitrogen and Phosphorus for Kawa Stream Kaneohe, Hawaii – Technical Appendix – Final
Kawa Stream TMDL Report
Kawa Stream TMDL Implementation Plan
Waimanalo Stream, Oahu Waimanalo Stream TMDL Report
Waimanalo Stream TMDL Implementation Plan
Ala Wai Canal, Oahu Ala Wai Canal TMDL Report
Ala Wai Canal Watershed Water Quality Improvement Project Management and Implementation Plan Volume I
Ala Wai Canal Watershed Water Quality Improvement Project Management and Implementation Plan Volume II (Technical Appendices) – Part 1
Ala Wai Canal Watershed Water Quality Improvement Project Management and Implementation Plan Volume II (Technical Appendices) – Part 2
Nawiliwili Bay Watershed, Kauai Nawiliwili Bay Watershed TMDLs (4 Streams)
Hanalei, Kauai Phase 1 – Streams and Esturaries
Phase 2 – Embayment