Information on Injury Prevention Policy

Policy interventions are one of the most effective strategies for preventing injuries and improving the public’s health.  As a result of the collaborative efforts of state and community partners, Hawaiʻi has some of the strongest policies in place in the U.S. to protect the public from preventable injuries.

There are three main types of policy for improving the public’s health: legislative, organizational and regulatory. Some examples of these policies for reducing injuries in Hawaiʻi include state legislation that requires children to ride in safety seats, local Complete Streets ordinances, and organizational policies in hospitals that incorporate screening and intervention for addressing persons at risk of injury.

Policy interventions are important and can be effective community and societal level strategies for improving the public’s health. State health department injury and violence prevention programs play an important role in informing and evaluating policy to prevent injuries and violence through active participation in the policy process. The CDC Injury Center developed the State Health Department’s Role in the Policy Process: A Tool for State Health Department Injury and Violence Prevention Programs to provide guidance to state health departments about their role in the policy process. The tool highlights the different types of policies, the stages of the policy process, and examples of policy-related activities states can undertake in each state of the policy process.

Hawaii State Legislature Website

Hawaii State Legislature Website

If you are interested in receiving up to date information about injury prevention policies and the legislative process in Hawaiʻi ,please contact our office at (808) 733-9320 or email

In addition, by going to the Hawaiʻi State Legislature Website, you have access to a wide variety of information including how to look up bills, how to contact elected officials, and receiving hearing notices electronically.


Understand the Hawaii Legislative Process in 10 minutes or less !

The Emergency Medical Services and Injury Prevention System Branch (EMSIPSB) has been involved with the state legislative process since the time of typewriters and hand delivery of 30 paper copies of testimony to the state capitol building. Thankfully, much has changed to streamline the legislative process. EMSIPSB has put together a simple 7-minute video that walks you through the basics of the legislative process. The video covers how to read a bill, how to receive hearing notifications and basics on submitting testimony. Weather you are a first responder, an ER physician, or a concerned citizen understanding these simple basics will equip you to respond to key issues and policies that can mean difference between a new law and good idea, or good policy and policy.

If you would like to know more about the legislative process please visit the Hawaii Public Access Room website or offices. They offer workshops and provide additional resources that are free to the public.