Promoting the Hawaii Injury Prevention Plan (HIPP) 2018-2023

Posted on Jan 14, 2020 in All IPCS News, Core SVIPP Grant, Hawaii Injury Prevention Plan

We are pleased to present you with the web-based  Hawaii Injury Prevention Plan (HIPP) 2018-2023, that serves as a guide for reducing the eight leading causes of injury in Hawaii. This HIPP builds on the previous Hawaii Injury Prevention Plan 2012-2017 and is the result of a collaborative effort between the Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH), Emergency Medical Services and Injury Prevention System Branch (EMSIPSB); the Injury Prevention Advisory Committee (IPAC); and other community partners. In the gap period between the end of the previous plan and inception of the new plan, the initial plan continued to guide the work of the DOH Injury Prevention and Control Section (IPCS) and community partners.

Analyzing the burden of injury and violence in Hawaii is the first step used to determined focus areas for Hawaii. Having high, moderate or low capacity and infrastructure within the EMSIPSB for engagement are also factored into prioritizing injury prevention focus areas.

  • Hawaii-Injury-Prevention-Plan-2018-2023Core focus areas are identified with having high capacity and infrastructure for engagement by EMSIPSB. Core areas include five web-based components 1) the goal 2) problem statement, 3) long-term indicators, 4) SMART objectives, and 5) recommended strategies.
  • Special and emerging focus areas are identified with having moderate to low capacity and infrastructure for engagement by EMSIPSB. While the EMSIPB is the lead for core areas, the Maternal and Child Health Branch (MCHB), Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division (ADAD), and Hawaii Concussion Awareness Management Program (HCAMP) are the lead agencies and community partners for special and emerging areas. For this reason, special and emerging focus area will only show a brief magnitude of the problem, and recommended strategies.

The Social Ecological Model is used as a guiding approach for EMSIPSB’s work to prevent injuries in Hawaii. To frame our impact, strategies are aligned with risk and protective factors within each focus area, and across the individual, relationship, community, and societal levels of influence. This strategic plan establishes the foundation for Hawaii to later acknowledge and adopt the implementation of strategies utilizing a shared risk and protective factor framework.

On behalf of the Injury Prevention Advisory Committee and the Hawaii State Department of Health, we invite you to join us in achieving the recommendations set forth in this plan. Please contact us and share this resource through: