Climate Change & Health – For Health Professionals

Healthcare providers are well situated to help their patients understand the health risks from climate change and make preparations to prevent these impacts. Healthcare providers should educate themselves about the health impacts of climate change and talk about these issues with their patients. Healthcare providers can access specifically designed resources about climate change and health through, for example, Harvard’s C-Change Program or Yale’s Center on Climate Change and Health. By staying aware of these developing issues, healthcare providers can help prevent and identify novel, or unusual, health conditions brought about by climate change. Please see the additional resources below intended for healthcare professionals. 


Communication Guidance for Health Professionals

Health Approaches to Climate Change


  • Initiative developed by ecoAmerica to help health providers facilitate conversations about climate change and health with their patients.

Medicine For A Changing Planet

  • Case studies focusing on the clinical competencies regarding climate change in the patient care setting and the role of clinicians in detecting and managing the impacts of those changes in their patients.

Are doctors prepared?

  • An excellent article from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis discussing the emerging trends of climate change and health within medical academia and medical practice.