About the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division

“Providing the leadership necessary for the development and delivery of quality substance abuse prevention, intervention and treatment services for the residents of the State of Hawaii.”

The Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division (ADAD) is the primary and often sole source of public funds for substance abuse treatment. ADAD’s treatment efforts are designed to promote a statewide, culturally appropriate, comprehensive system of services to meet the treatment and recovery needs of individuals and families. As a requirement, treatment services prioritize admission for pregnant women and injection drug users.

Primary Functions

Prevention ♦ Treatment ♦ Coordination ♦ Policy Development ♦ Planning ♦ Information Systems ♦ Needs Assessments ♦ Grants and Contracts ♦ Clinical Consultation ♦ Quality Assurance ♦ Management ♦ Training Accreditation of Treatment Programs ♦ Certification of Counselors and Program Administrators

Hawaii Department of Health
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division
601 Kamokila Blvd. Room 360
Kapolei, Hawai’i, 96707
(808) 692-7506

Do you or someone you know need substance use treatment services? Contact Hawaii CARES at (808) 832-3100 or toll-free 1(800) 753-6879

Notice of Privacy Practices : 2024-NPP – updated 3/27/24

Report Concerns: Form for Reporting Concerns 02-06-23

                                          For CSAC Verification Inquires: doh.adad.qaio@doh.hawaii.gov