Informal Review and Administrative Hearing
If you were denied eligibility or your services were changed or terminated, you have a right to request an informal review with the Developmental Disabilities Division (DDD) and/or administrative hearing with the Department of Health (DOH).
If you receive Medicaid waiver services, you also have a right to request a fair hearing with the Department of Human Services (DHS).
You may choose to exercise one or more of these options.
- How to Request an Informal Review with the DDD: Once you receive your written notice, you must send your request in writing, within 15 working days of the date indicated on your notice to:
Department of Health
Developmental Disabilities Division
Consumer Complaints Resolution Unit (CCRU)
2201 Waimano Home Road, Hale A
Pearl City, Hawaii 96782A representative from the CCRU will contact you once your request has been received.
- How to Request an Administrative Hearing with the DOH: If you had an informal review with the DDD and you are dissatisfied with the decision, you may request an administrative hearing within 15 working days of the date of the written informal review decision letter. If you did not request an informal review, you may request an administrative hearing within 15 working days of the date of the written notice. You must send your request in writing, along with your contact information and a copy of your written notice and informal review decision letter, if applicable to:
Hearings Office
Department of Health
P.O. Box 3378
Honolulu, Hawaii 96801 - How to Request an Administrative Hearing with the DHS: This option is only available to participants in the Medicaid waiver program. You must send your request in writing, within 90 days of the date of your written notice to:
Department of Human Services
Administrative Appeals Office
P.O. Box 339
Honolulu, Hawaii 96809
You may be represented at the administrative hearing by legal counsel at your own expense.
*If you require any special accommodations and would like to request assistance to enable you to participate in an informal review and/or administrative hearing, please include this in your written request.