Consumer-Directed (CD) Option
The Consumer-Directed (CD) option allows participants to employ their own workers for specific waiver services. The participant is the employer and supervises who provides the services, how the services are provided, and how much the workers are paid. The CD option is available through the Medicaid I/DD Waiver as an alternative to receiving services through a Medicaid I/DD Waiver Provider. It is an alternative to receiving services provided through a Medicaid I/DD Waiver Provider. Services that can be consumer-directed are:
- Personal Assistance/Habilitation (PAB)
- Community Learning Services-Individual (CLS-Ind)
- Respite
- Chore
- Non-Medical Transportation
To learn more about the CD option or to enroll, a DDD case manager can help you with this waiver option.
To help participants be employers, DDD contracts with Acumen for Financial Management Services (FMS). Acumen supports the employers/participants with:
- Understanding the Consumer-Directed option
- Managing the responsibilities as an employer
- Processing payroll services
- Exercising of budget authority
The Employer Handbook provides important information about the CD option and the requirements for participation.