319 Grant Program

Clean Water Act Section 319 Grant Funding Information

Photo of a group planting a Hau Tree and removing non-native, invasive grasses.

319 Projects often include an element of restoration. Pictured above, a volunteer plants a Hau Tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus) while others remove non-native, invasive grasses.

The PRC Program administers grant money it receives from the EPA through Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to address polluted runoff. Section 319 funds support the implementation of polluted runoff control projects on a watershed or waterbody scale. Generally, 319-funded projects implement a component of an approved watershed-based plan or alternative plan to restore impaired waters or protect high quality waters.

Submitting a 319 Grant Proposal

The PRC Program typically issues a Request for Proposals (RFP) on an annual basis (in July/August) to solicit qualified projects for grant funding.

State and local entities that are legally considered governmental institutions may be eligible for 319 funding outside of the RFP if funds are available.

At a minimum, grant recipients must provide 30% matching funds or in-kind contributions from non-federal sources. To learn more about matching requirements for EPA grants, visit the Code of Federal Regulations EPA 40 CFR Ch.1 (7-1-98 Edition) §31.24: Matching or cost sharing (3pp, 22K) or contact the PRC Program.

Contact the PRC Program (CleanWaterBranch@doh.hawaii.gov or 808-586-4309) for more information about submitting grant proposals or to receive copies of the most recent RFPs.

Polluted Runoff Control Projects

To view 319-funded projects, please visit the PRC Project Viewer. A map view of projects is also available.