May is Trauma Awareness Month

Posted on Apr 12, 2022 in News, TBI News

May is Trauma Awareness Month

Learning about brain injury

  1. What is a TBI?
  2. Stop the #1 cause of injury using Fall Prevention Tips.
  3. HCAMP works to reduce concussions in Hawaii athletes.
  4. The importance of Wearing a Bike Helmet.
  5. Brain Injury Association of Hawaii understands how a brain injury changes lives.
  6. HPH Tips for patient care after a concussion.

Hear from Hawaii’s brain injury survivors

  1. Survivors’ perspectives Unmasking Brain Injury.
  2. Survivors’ stories 3 Hawaii Brain Injury Survivors.

Fitness after brain injury (after clearance from your doctor)

  1. A Guided Meditation promotes emotional stability and brain clarity.
  2. Exercises to Regain Balance and strengthen your core.
  3. Why and how Tai Chi helps the brain.

Illustration: Brain Injury

Online games to rebuild skills after a brain injury

  1. Motivate your brain with Sudoku.
  2. Activate memory cells with Picture Matching.
  3. Color a Mandala to boost visual perception and planning skills.
  4. Improve your ability to focus, with Pattern Recall.
  5. Word Search games help to rebuild field of vision.
  6. Tetris can help with coordination as your brain talks to your hands.