Out-of-State Patient Application


OSP Video Tutorial 

OSP Checklist and FAQ’s to help get you started.

How to Access Your 329 Card Online

Medical Cannabis Use and Restrictions



  • Please be advised that according to federal law, possession of cannabis and cannabis infused products is illegal.
  • Travel by any means, inter-island, to and from the mainland USA, and internationally means passing through federal airspace or jurisdiction. This may put medical cannabis patient or caregivers travelling with cannabis and/or cannabis infused products of any kind in jeopardy with the possibility of delay or arrest.


Dispensaries in Hawaii 

Please make sure there is a dispensary on the island that you are travelling to and there is an adequate supply and availability of products to meet your medical needs prior submitting your application (application fees are non-refundable).


General Information

  • The application process is completed online by creating a medmj.ehawaii.gov account
  • OSP’s may apply for no more than two, 60-day terms in a calendar year
  • A “start date” is required for the term to begin
  • May apply 60 days prior to the requested “start date”
  • Application fee is $49.50 and is non-refundable
  • Electronic access to the Hawaii 329 Registration card will be provided upon approval via your medmj.ehawaii.gov account


OSP Requirements:

1. Valid medical cannabis registration card issued by another U.S. state or territorial or District of Columbia government 

    • If your home state’s medical cannabis card does not have the expiration date on it (e.g. New York), please upload additional documents that state the expiration date of your registration in the “other documents” section in the Hawaii online application.
    • Physician certifications or recommendations are not accepted in lieu of state government-issued medical cannabis cards.

 2. Valid government-issued state ID or driver’s license from the same U.S. state or territory or District of Columbia* with the same name on the medical cannabis registration card.

3. Certified in your “home” state as having one or more debilitating medical conditions identified in Hawaii State Law


OSP Minor Additional Requirements:

Minor OSP patient are required to have Caregiver. Caregiver must be:

  • A parent, guardian, or legal custodian of the minor applicant
  • Valid government-issued ID or driver’s license from the same US. state/territory or District of Columbia as the minor’s valid medical cannabis registration card


Acceptable OSP Minor ID types

  • Birth Certificate (Please visit Social Security Administration for details)
  • Valid state/territory ID
  • Valid driver’s license
  • Valid passport (Only for minor patients)

*Passports, military ID cards, or any other ID are not accepted as valid government issued ID’s for caregivers



  • We do not have a international medical cannabis registration process at this time
  • Adult applicant cannot apply for a caregiver through the out-of-state application process



  • Passports, military ID cards, or any other ID are not accepted and DOH will email and request for the appropriate ID document
  • IF you would like to switch from an out-of-state application (OSP) to an in-state patient (ISP) application, you will need to “create an account” using a different and valid email address.
  • California Applicants – Please note that we only accept a government-issued Medical Cannabis Registration Card as the official document to approve your Hawaii 329 card.  The acceptable  card is issued by the county government in the state of California.For more information about your state’s program please visit the website at https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CHSI/Pages/MMICP.aspxThis is a sample of the California government-issued card, which has 9-digit identification number.


For technical support with the application process, please call 808-695-4620, Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm.

If you have any other questions or need further clarification, please email us at medicalcannabis@doh.hawaii.gov  or call us at 808-733-2177, Mon-Fri, 8:30am-3:30pm (HST).

We will respond as soon as humanly possible!