Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program: Information for Healthcare Providers

The Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program provides federally purchased vaccines for use by participating providers. These vaccines are administered to eligible children without vaccine cost to parents or providers. All routine childhood vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) are available through this program.

Vaccine for Children (VFC) Provider Toolkit

VFC Provider Toolkit

News and Updates

Hawaii VFC News: Hawaii VFC News is a quarterly publication distributed to all participating Vaccines for Children (VFC) providers. Its purpose is to address VFC-related issues, provide general immunization information, and keep VFC providers up-to-date with the latest program changes.

Vaccine Points: Vaccine Points is a bi‐monthly communication distributed by the Hawaii Department of Health to all participating VFC providers. Its purpose is to provide timely information on immunization topics.

Hawaii VFC Vaccine Order and Delivery Guide (PDF)

VFC Educational Requirement: VFC providers are required to complete an annual educational training on VFC program and vaccine storage and handling requirements. Compliance site visits fulfill the annual educational requirement. Providers not scheduled for a compliance site visit must complete two online educational modules.

Course certificates from your designated VFC Vaccine Coordinator and his/her back-up must be faxed to the Hawaii VFC program upon completion. Although completion of these training modules is required for these individuals, it is recommended that all staff in your office complete the training.

If you have any questions regarding the annual educational training requirement, please call the Hawaii VFC program at 586-8300 (Oahu), 1-800-933-4832 (Neighbor Island).

Educational Opportunities

Resource Materials

Provider Education Courses:

Frequently Asked Questions for Providers

What are the benefits of participating in the VFC program?

  • You will be able to provide ACIP recommended vaccines to eligible patients, including uninsured children, reducing referrals to public clinics for vaccination.
  • You save money on vaccine purchasing because you will receive federally purchased vaccines covered under the program at no cost.
  • You receive timely information regarding immunization recommendations through ongoing provider education.
  • You may elect to receive technical assistance to help improve your vaccination rates, record keeping, vaccine handling practices, and optimization of vaccination opportunities.

Which patients are eligible?

Children, from birth through 18 years of age, who meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Medicaid/QUEST eligible
  • Uninsured
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Underinsured*

How can I become a Hawaii VFC provider?

Call the Hawaii VFC Program at 808-586-8300 or 1-800-933-4832 (toll-free). An enrollment packet with the required forms will be mailed to you.

What else do I need to know to become a Hawaii VFC provider?

After submitting completed Provider Enrollment and Provider Profile forms, the VFC program staff will conduct an initial VFC enrollment site visit at your office. The enrollment visit ensures that you and your office staff are knowledgeable about the VFC Program, have the appropriate resources to implement the VFC Program requirements, and that all of the necessary paperwork is completed.

Where can I get more information?

Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website for more information.

*The patient has health insurance that does not cover vaccines. These children must be referred to a federally-qualified health center or rural health clinic to receive VFC vaccine.

Vaccine Administration Visit Record (VAVR) Demographic and Consent Language Translations
English | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | Chuukese Ilokano | Marshallese | Spanish | Tagalog


Last reviewed January 2025