Training Activities
In an ongoing effort to provide information to the community on the needs, rights, and concerns of people with disabilities, the Disability and Communication Access Board (DCAB) offers statewide training activities. Our education and training outreach efforts are diverse and are usually customized to meet the requests of the host/audience. Training sessions range from 30-minute presentations/speeches to full-day workshops.
DCAB is an agency of the State of Hawaii supported by your tax dollars. There is no charge for our services for customized training, although we may ask that you cover other expenses involved in the training. These may include parking, travel, printed materials in alternate format, and auxiliary aids or services (such as Sign Language interpreters, if needed, etc.).
Contact our office to request customized training. Once you have contacted our office, download the Speaking Engagement Form, complete it and fax it back to us. The form is available in word and .pdf format. If you want to plan a training and need assistance to complete the form, call our office and we will complete the form for you.
Download Speaking Engagement Form
Trainings are varied and focus in the subject areas listed below:
Civil Rights Laws, Providing Services to Individuals with Disabilities
Conformance to civil rights laws and meeting the needs of people with disabilities as customers, clients, or patrons of an establishment, program, or service.
Architectural (Facility) Design
Conformance to specific design guidelines which promote access for people with disabilities into and around buildings and facilities.
Employment of People with Disabilities
Conformance to general federal and state employment nondiscrimination law affecting people with disabilities.
Due Process and Special Education
Conformance to the federal and state laws affecting the free and appropriate education of children with disabilities, and how to establish collaborative relationships between parents/families and providers of services.
We also co-sponsor periodic trainings with national and local agencies. Workshops and trainings on the ADA are funded, in part, by a contract with the Pacific ADA Center.