Environmental Microbiology Section Water Unit

The Environmental Microbiology Section Water Unit analyzes drinking water and environmental water for microbial contaminants.

Dayna Ornellas is enriching water from shellfish ponds for total coliform and fecal coliforms.

Drinking Water:

We analyze drinking water for microbiological contaminants in compliance with State and Federal (EPA) regulations.

  • Fecal indicators-total and fecal coliforms, E. coli
  • Heterotrophic bacteria

Environmental Water:

We analyze environmental water for microbiological contaminants (Enterococci, E. coli fecal coliforms, Clostridium perfringens) according to State and Federal (EPA) regulations.

We also analyze other environmental samples for contaminants such as soil and sludge for fecal contamination (sewage spills, septic tank seepage, composting) and can conduct rapid analysis of water for toxic substances (for example, if drinking water was intentionally contaminated).