Announcement of new IIS, HiSIS!
Aloha Hawaii Immunization Registry Users,
By June 16, 2025, the Hawaii Immunization Information System, currently known as HIR, will move from our current vendor to Envision’s cloud-based, vendor-hosted environment. The new system will be called the “Hawaii State Immunization System” (HiSIS). As part of this project, changes will be made in relation to:
- Onboarding HL7 message submitters
- Training clinic users
- Enrolling clinic users
Please feel free to contact the Registry Helpdesk with any questions at
HIR to HiSIS Implementation Timeline 2025
- The pilot program will begin to test the onboarding process.
- General onboarding to all HL7 submitters begins.
March - April
- General HL7 onboarding continues.
- Clinic User training preparation begins.
- Clinic User Training begins. All users must complete User Training to access HiSIS.
- General HL7 onboarding ends.
- HiSIS Go-Live, June 16, 2025.
- All login credentials will be sent to HiSIS users by June 16, 2025.
- All Hawaii Immunization Registry (HIR) use to be retired. Users will receive notifications on when to stop submissions.
HiSIS HL7 General Onboarding Overview Presentation
Public Information
SMART Health Card
The Department of Health is now offering SMART Health Card, an option to obtain a digital record of vaccinations you received in Hawai’i. Click here for more information.
How does the Hawaii IIS work?
Doctors and nurses can store information in the registry. The information is used to make sure your immunization records are up to date. At minimum, this information will include:
- Your name
- Date of birth
- Mailing address
- Immunization record
How does the Hawaii IIS help you and your family?
The registry helps make sure you:
- Don’t miss any immunizations or get too many
- Have all of the immunizations needed to:
- Start day care, school, or college
- Sign-up for camp or sports programs
- Travel to other countries
- Prepare for hospital stays or long-term care
Provider Information
How does the Hawaii IIS work?
Doctors and nurses can store information in the registry. The information is used to make sure the patient’s immunization records are up to date. At minimum, this information will include:
- Patient’s name
- Date of birth
- Mailing address
- Immunization record
How does the Hawaii IIS help doctors and nurses?
The Hawaii IIS will help your doctor or nurse:
- Keep track of immunizations given by your other doctors and nurses
- Check which immunizations you need at each visit
- Print out an immunization record for you
In times of emergency or disaster, the Hawaii IIS can give important immunization information to healthcare workers. For more information about the Hawaii IIS, talk to your doctor or contact the Department of Health at:
Phone: 586-4665 (Oahu) or 1-888-447-1023 (Neighbor Islands)
How do I learn to use the Hawaii IIS?
We will publish more information here on this website when training materials become available.
How do we submit data to the Hawaii IIS?
As a Healthcare provider participating in the Hawaii IIS, you have two methods to submit data:
- Web services using an EMR/EHR or SOAP UI application to submit real-time patient immunization records outside of utilizing the Hawaii IIS UI.
If you are utilizing web services to submit patient immunization records, it will be necessary to schedule onboarding meetings with our Hawaii IIS vendor to provide you with web services login credentials. - Data Exchange via the Hawaii IIS User Interface (UI). This method is where a user logs into the Hawaii IIS and uploads a HL7 patient immunization record file.
If you are a provider using this method, the UI is up and running and you can begin uploading your backlog and current patient immunization records now.
Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program
To meet requirements, eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals must be in active engagement with an immunization registry or other type of Public Health agency to submit electronic public health data in a meaningful way using Certified Electronic Health Record Technology. Active engagement can be in the form of registration of intent, testing and validation, and ongoing electronic submission of data to the registry.
For more information, visit Calendar Year 2024 Program Requirements | CMS.
Last reviewed February 2025