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Stop Flu at School

About the Program

Stop Flu at School (SFAS), Hawaii’s school-located influenza vaccination program, is an innovative partnership between the State of Hawaii Departments of Health and Education. The Stop Flu at School program aims to improve the health of Hawaii’s keiki, families, and kupuna by preventing the spread of influenza (flu) through vaccination.

Through the Stop Flu at School program, all children attending participating elementary and middle schools are offered FREE flu vaccine at school, during the school day. The program is voluntary for schools and students.

This program is endorsed by the Hawaii Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Hawaii Association of Family Practitioners.

Stop Flu at School (SFAS) Update

Due to Department of Health resource and staffing constraints further exacerbated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Stop Flu at School (SFAS) program will not be held this Fall (2023-2024 school year). Schools are strongly encouraged to explore the feasibility of school-located vaccination clinics with other healthcare providers in their communities, including Federally Qualified Health Centers, which may already be working in partnership with local schools.

All children ages 6 months and older are recommended to receive the influenza vaccine each year. DOH strongly encourages parents to ensure their children are protected by having them vaccinated by their healthcare provider.

  • Parents/guardians should speak with their child’s healthcare provider about receiving the flu vaccine in their office. This is especially important for children that have certain chronic health conditions that place them at higher risk for serious complications due to influenza illness.
  • Most health insurance plans cover the cost of recommended vaccines. Parents should check with their insurance provider for coverage details.

Although DOH is not able to offer the SFAS program, we are continuing our ongoing partnership with Hawaii schools in protecting the health of our community by serving as a facilitator to connect schools with non-DOH immunization providers.

If you have any further questions, please contact DOH Immunization Branch at (808) 587-6572.

Fight the Flu

Learn about the importance of flu vaccination.

Last reviewed May 2023