Healthy Me – Healthy We

Written by Devindra Sharma RN, MPH (Family Health Services Program, Kauaʻi District Health Office) // August 14, 2024


Treat Yourself Like Someone You Love by David Braman and Amalia Abigania, Kauai High School

The Kauaʻi District Health Office collaborated with community partners and middle and high school media teachers on Kauaʻi to develop the Healthy Me Healthy We (HMHW) competition. The goals of the competition were to promote positive messages among adolescents on the HMHW themes and increase awareness of protective factors and locally available community resources.

The HMHW themes were:

  • Healthy Me – promoting positive mental health or preventing drug or alcohol use.
  • Healthy We – promoting healthy friendships, relationships, and preventing bullying.

Talented middle and high school students submitted over 25 amazing videos and fliers. See the winning video from the high school category. This was our first time running the project and other agencies are welcome to explore expanding it to schools on other islands.


Last reviewed on August 14, 2024