Apostilles and Authentication of Certified Copies

How to Apply for an Apostille and Authentication

Please follow steps below for all countries (whether Hauge Convention Treaty or not).

Note: A request for a “new” birth, marriage, or death certificate must accompany the order. We do not accept certified copies provided.

We do not accept cash, personal, or business checks. All payments must be a money order or cashier’s check. 

Follow these steps:

1.  Forms (do not use the online process for apostille and authentication requests):

Mail in a paper request order form for a new birth, marriage, or death certificate for apostilles and authentication.  We do not accept previously certified copies of vital records.   Download and complete applicable birth, marriage/civil union, or death certificate request forms. Indicate “apostille” and “country” for reason.

2. For Apostille/Authentication

    1. Download and complete the Office of Lt. Governor’s Apostille or Certification of Documents Form. Click here: FORM
    2. Enclose a separate money order or cashier’s check for $1 payable to the Office of Lt. Governor
    3. Enclose a separate money order or cashier’s check for fees applicable to birth, marriage, or death records request payable to the Hawaii Department of Health. Refer to form instructions.

3.  Eligibility to Access Vital Record:    Enclose a copy of your government issued photo identification (ID) e.g. drivers license, state ID., or passport and documentation showing you are eligible to obtain the document, click here, for eligibility.

4.  Return Envelope:   Enclose a pre-paid, self-addressed stamped envelope for completed documents to be sent to you.

5.  Mail in your completed request form and indicate the country the apostille is for, photocopy of your government issued photo ID, documentation showing eligibility, if applicable, the Office of the Lt. Governor form, payments, and self-addressed prepaid stamped envelope to the Hawaii Department of Health-Vital Records, P. O. Box 3378, Honolulu, HI 96801.

If you are requesting documents on behalf of the registrant (person on the certificate), you will need in addition a letter of authorization from the registrant authorizing you to request and obtain on their behalf, along with a copy of their government issued photo ID and your government issued photo ID.

Processing Time and Additional Information

The Department of Health will coordinate with the Lieutenant Governor’s Office to have the official forms prepared and attached to the certificate being issued.  Please plan accordingly as apostille request can take up to 3-4 weeks for processing.

For your information, listed here are foreign countries who are nations that have joined the 1961 Hague Convention.