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Hawaii Laboratory Reporting Requirements

Hawaiʻi Lab Reporting Portal for COVID-19, Influenza (A/B), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) – (Click Here)

For assistance with sign-up to the CDC provided portal (Simple Report) or reporting questions please contact us at:

(Hawaii Administrative Rules Chapter 11-156)

Reporting Categories

  • Urgent: Agents labeled “Urgent” shall be reported by telephone when a laboratory request is received.
  • Immediate: Positive test results for agents labeled “Immediate” shall be reported by telephone within 24 hours of confirmation, followed by a written notification by mail or fax.
  • Routine: Positive test results for agents and tests labeled “Routine” shall be reported within 3 days of confirmation.
  • Confidential: Positive test results for agents and tests labeled “Confidential” shall be reported to the appropriate programs within three (3) working days of confirmation. However, HIV/AIDS and CD4 test results shall be reported by mail, telephone or electronic encryption.
  • Upon request: Test results for agents shall be reported to the Disease Investigation Branch upon request

Communicable Disease Report Form (PDF)

Group A Arboviruses (Venezuelan equine, Eastern equine, Western equine, California serogroup)UrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Group B Arboviruses (St. Louis, Powassan, West Nile, Japanese encephalitis virus)UrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Arenaviruses (Lassa, Marburg)UrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Bacillus anthracisUrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Bordetella pertussisImmediateDisease Investigation Branch
Burkholderia malleiUrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Burkholderia pseudomalleiUrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Brucella spp.UrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Brugia malayiRoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Brugia timoriRoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Campylobacter spp.RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
CD4 T-lymphocyte count and percentConfidentialHIV/AIDS Surveillance Program
Chlamydia psittaciImmediateDisease Investigation Branch
Chlamydia trachomatis, genitalConfidentialSTD Prevention Program
Clostridium botulinum (Foodborne, wound, and infant)UrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Clostridium tetaniRoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Corynebacterium diphtheriaeImmediateDisease Investigation Branch
Cryptosporidium spp.RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
CyclosporiasisRoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Coxiella burnetiiImmediateDisease Investigation Branch
Dengue virusImmediateDisease Investigation Branch
Entamoeba histolyticaRoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Enterococcus, Vancomycin-resistantRoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Eosinophilic meningitisUpon requestDisease Investigation Branch
Escherichia coli - shigatoxin producing, including type O157RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Filoviruses (Ebola, Marburg)UrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Francisella tularensisUrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Giardia lambliaRoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Haemophilus influenzae (from spinal fluid, blood, lung, or other normally sterile site) Report serotype and antimicrobial resistance if available.ImmediateDisease Investigation Branch
HantavirusImmediateDisease Investigation Branch
Hepatitis A virus (IgM positive); Also report liver function tests (AST {SGOT}, ALT {SGPT}) conducted at the same timeImmediateDisease Investigation Branch
Hepatitis B virus; (surface antigen positive and/or anti-core IgM antibody positive) Also report liver function tests (AST {SGOT}, ALT {SGPT}) conducted at the same time for all patients who are HBsAg positive.RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Hepatitis C virus; Also report liver function tests (AST {SGOT}, ALT {SGPT}) conducted at the same time for all patients who are anti-HCV positive.RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Hepatitis E virus; Also report liver function tests (AST {SGOT}, ALT {SGPT}) conducted at the same time for all patients who are anti-HCE positive.RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and all HIV viral load testsConfidentialHIV/AIDS Surveillance Program
Influenza virus (Report positive, negative and indeterminate results, and other viral isolates obtained through respiratory culture)RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Legionella pneumophilaImmediateDisease Investigation Branch
Leptospira interrogansRoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Listeria monocytogenesRoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Liver function tests (AST {SGOT}, ALT {SGPT}) conducted at the same time on a patient who is HbsAg positive or anti-HCV positive.RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Lyssavirus spp. (Rabies)UrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Measles/Rubeola (IgM)ImmediateDisease Investigation Branch
Mumps (IgM)RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Mycobacterium tuberculosisImmediateTuberculosis Control Program
Mycobacterium leprae (AFB) positive biopsies and smearsRoutineHansen's Disease Community Program
Neisseria gonorrhoeae (including identification of resistant strains)ConfidentialSTD Prevention Program
Norovirus (NoV) PCR positiveRoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Plasmodium spp.RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
PoliovirusImmediateDisease Investigation Branch
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) {Report positive and negative results, and other viral isolates obtained through respiratory culture}RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Rickettsia typhiRoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Rubella (IgM)ImmediateDisease Investigation Branch
Salmonella spp. (including typhi)RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
SARS-Associated Coronavirus (SARS-CoV)UrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Shigella spp.RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Staphylococcus aureus, Methicillin-Resistant (MRSA)RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Staphylococcus aureus, Vancomycin-intermediate, (VISA)RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Vancomycin-resistant, Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA)UrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Streptococcus pyogenes, Group A (beta hemolytic, invasive disease including Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome or other normally sterile site, but not including pharyngitis)RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from a normally sterile site, report antimicrobial susceptibility.RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Toxoplasma gondiiRoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Treponema pallidumConfidentialSTD Prevention Program
Trichinella spiralisRoutineDisease Investigation Branch
West Nile Virus IgMUrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Wuchereria bancroftiRoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Varicella (IgM)RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Variola virusUrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Vibrio choleraeUrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Vibrio spp. (other than cholerae)RoutineDisease Investigation Branch
Yellow fever virusUrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Yersinia pestisUrgentDisease Investigation Branch
Yersinia spp. (other than pestis)RoutineDisease Investigation Branch


Disease Investigation Branch

Phone: (808) 586-4586
Fax: (808) 586-4595
Phone: (808) 933-0912
Fax: (808) 933-0400
Phone: (808) 241-3563
Fax: (808) 241-3480
Phone: (808) 984-8213
Fax: (808) 243-5141
After hours, weekends, and holidays report to: 1-800-360-2575

Tuberculosis Control Program

1700 Lanakila Avenue, Ground Floor, Honolulu, HI 96817, Attn: Registry – Confidential
Phone: (808) 832-3534
Fax: (808) 832-5624

STD Prevention Program

3627 Kilauea Avenue, Room 304, Honolulu, HI 96816
Phone: (808) 733-9281
Fax: (808) 733-9291

HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program (Confidential)

3627 Kilauea Avenue, Room 306, Honolulu, HI 96816
Phone: (808) 733-4079

Hansen’s Disease Community Program

3627 Kilauea Avenue Room 102, Honolulu, HI 96816
Phone: (808) 733-9831
Fax: (808) 733-9836