Medicaid I/DD Waiver Providers
Services are provided through the Medicaid 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver, for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Medicaid I/DD Waiver). The purpose of the Medicaid I/DD Waiver is to support people to have a full life in the community.
Services and supports are identified through a person-centered planning process with case managers to develop the Individualized Service Plan (ISP) with the individual’s desired outcomes and goals. The case manager assists the individual and family in accessing these services from qualified Medicaid I/DD Waiver providers chosen by the individual.
What is a Medicaid I/DD Waiver provider?
- A waiver provider is an individual, a business, or an organization that DDD has recommended to enter into a Medicaid Provider Agreement with the Department of Human Services, Med-QUEST Division (MQD).
- A waiver provider must continually meet all the requirements for participation in the Medicaid I/DD Waiver .
- The waiver provider may be for-profit or non-profit.
- DDD strives to ensure that qualified waiver providers are available throughout the state by monitoring provider performance, as well as reviewing and recommending prospective applications to become a Medicaid I/DD Waiver provider.
What does a Medicaid I/DD Waiver provider do?
- Waiver providers deliver authorized waiver services to assist and support individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities to achieve their desired outcomes and goals for a full life in the community.
- Waiver providers follow the ISP to deliver services that will meet the individual’s desired goals and outcomes.
Applicants to become a waiver provider must meet all qualifications and provide supporting documentation with their application.
Waiver providers have a signed Medicaid Provider Agreement to deliver services to waiver participants.