TB Logo (wood)


We are providing in-person services again, if you are seeking tuberculosis (TB) skin test or clinic service, please come to the following address listed below or call:

Lanakila Health Center – Ground Floor
1700 Lanakila Avenue
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817




Go to the “TB Testing Location and Times” webpage for additional Public Health Nursing Office sites that offer TB sking test per listed days & times

Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation as we transition to normal operations.


To reduce the incidence of tuberculosis in the state by providing effective prevention, detection, treatment, and educational services.

Program Services and Activities

  • Offer diagnosis and treatment of TB.
  • Ensure that all cases and suspected cases of TB are identified and that appropriate therapy is provided.
  • Provide preventive therapy for patients at high risk of developing TB disease.
  • Conduct direct TB services including chest X-ray, sputum smear and culture for mycobacteria, tuberculin skin testing, treatment with anti-tuberculosis therapy, and directly observed therapy (DOT) through TB clinics on the four most heavily populated islands.





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This page last updated:  August 22, 2023