Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)

A national network of local groups of volunteers engaging local communities to strengthen public health, reduce vulnerability, build resilience, and improve preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities.

More about the MRC

There are over 900 units across the United States and its territories. MRC volunteers include medical and public health professionals, and other community members without healthcare backgrounds. The MRC was established after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 to provide a way to recruit, train, and activate volunteers to respond to community health needs, including disasters and other public health emergencies. A healthcare background is not required.

Register to join the Hawaii MRC:

Nā Lima Kāko’o (click to register on-line)


The Hawaii MRC operates under the Hawaii State Department of Health. In a disaster, MRC volunteers may be activated to provide surge capacity to DOH and other emergency management partners. MRC members may assist in shelters, help distribute medicines, or provide information and assistance to the community in other ways as needed. MRC volunteers attend orientation and quarterly meetings and participate in relevant training activities as their schedule allows. Volunteers are invited to participate in preparedness exercises, community health activities, flu clinics, vision screening clinics, health fairs, and other events.

Due to Hawaii’s geographic isolation, our communities must be resilient and self-reliant, especially when disaster strikes. The MRC helps our communities when we need it most.

Looking to help out in other ways?

There are other agencies in need of volunteers – the Hawaii State Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (HSVOAD), which Hawaii MRC is a part of, is also looking for volunteers to help with increased needs around the state.

Contact Us

Oahu Medical Reserve Corps
Phone: (808) 207-4566 |

Maui County Health Volunteers
Phone: (808) 243-8649 |

Big Island Medical Reserve Corps
Phone: (808) 974-6010 |

Kauai Medical Reserve Corps
Phone: (808) 241-3420 |

Follow MRC on Facebook

Updated September 2023