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Outbreak Reporting Tool
for Private, Independent, and Charter Schools


Covid Like Illness (CLI)
Influenza Like Illness (ILI)
Gastrointestinal Illness (GI)

Gastrointestinal Illness or Suspected Norovirus Outbreak Thresholds

  • Two or more cases of GI illness within 24 hours among students/staff who share an exposure or are close contacts AND do not live in the same household OR
  • Student absenteeism doubles due to GI illness, exceeding the normal rate for the time period based on school records

CLI/ILI Outbreak Thresholds

20% of a class or 10% of grade/school with the following symptoms and/or test results:

  1. Tests: Positive test(s) for COVID-19 and/or Influenza in the group of students
  2. Possible symptoms of students: fever/chills, shortness of breath/trouble breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea/vomiting*, or diarrhea*

*symptoms are shared across GI, ILI, and CLI outbreaks

ORT User Registration Form

for Private, Independent, Charter Schools, and DHS Facilities