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HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention Champions

The HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention Champion is an annual award given jointly by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Cancer Society (ACS), and Association of American Cancer Institutes (AACI). This award recognizes clinicians, clinics, practices, groups, and health systems that are going above and beyond to foster HPV vaccination among adolescents in their communities.

2018 HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention Champion

Chunmei Wu

Chunmei Wu, MD
Honolulu, HI

Dr. Wu considers immunizations a vital part of patient care, and ensures her entire office supports patients effectively through education about the HPV vaccine. Her staff is knowledgeable on the HPV vaccination schedule, rates of HPV cancer, as well as the disease burden of HPV. Each afternoon, the staff reviews patients coming in for immunizations and flags patient records to reduce missed vaccination opportunities. When patients arrive, the front office staff informs patients about immunizations they will be receiving and provides information about those vaccinations to review.

Dr. Wu’s office uses the electronic health record system to check each patient’s HPV vaccination status and uses a remind/recall system through reminder cards, phone calls, and text messaging to keep patients aware of upcoming visits. Before a patient leaves the office during a visit, their next appointment is scheduled if they are due for the HPV vaccine. Patients are contacted within 3-5 days if patient is a “no show.” Both walk-in and immunization-only appointments are available, so patients have better access to the HPV vaccine.

Dr. Wu collaborates with the Hawaii State Department of Health’s VFC AFIX Immunization Quality Improvement program to assess adolescent immunization coverage rates, and to increase and maintain high rates of immunizations among adolescent patients in her practice. Dr. Wu is regarded as a caring and trusted professional by her patients and staff. Her efforts, along with her practice’s 90% HPV vaccine completion rate for adolescent patients, makes Dr. Wu the 2018 HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention Champion for Hawaii!


Last reviewed April 2019