The Hawaii Department of Health is following CDC COVID-19 vaccine guidance. Updates will be posted to this page as they are available.

Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Fact Sheets

Vaccine Storage and Handling
- CDC Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit
- Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
- Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine | CDC

Vaccine Safety
- Understanding and Explaining mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
- Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccine Safety in the US | CDC
- Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
- Talking to Your Patients about Vaccines

Become a COVID-19 Vaccine Provider
- If you are a Healthcare facility or Primary Care Physician who would like to administer COIVD-19 vaccines to your patients, please send email to [email protected].
- Interested providers will receive an email from the Department of Health’s Immunization Registry that will include three (3) attachments:
- CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Program Provider Agreement – a fillable PDF form
- General Instructions and Tips
- Creating your Digital Signature-ID Instructions
- Step-by-step video on how to fill out the COVID-19 Provider Agreement Form
- Find out the Process and Flow for Enrollment

Training, Administration, Documentation, and Reporting
- CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Training Module
- COVID-19 Vaccination Training Programs and Reference Materials for Healthcare Professionals
- Training and Education for COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC
Documentation and Reporting
- How COVID-19 Vaccine Providers Register for VaccineFinder | CDC
- HIR Overview – Manual Data Entry
- FAQs for Providers of COVID-19 Vaccines
- COVID-19 ACIP Vaccine Recommendations
- CDC Vaccine Finder
- COVID-19 Toolkits – Resources for mitigation strategies, communication, and data trackers
- Hawaii State Department of Health COVID-19 Provider Toolkit (PDF)
- Hawaii State Department of Health Vaccine for Children (VFC) Provider Toolkit (PDF)
- Hawaii Department of Health Medical Advisories
- Hawaii COVID-19 Vaccination Plan
- Vaccine Website
- Webinar Thursday, May 11, 2023 – Updated Recommendations for COVID-19 Vaccine Use (
- CDC Presentation (PDF of slides)
Questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine
Please call the Immunization Branch at (808) 586-8332 or 1-833-711-0645.