
State Emergency Medical Services & Injury Prevention System

On This Page:

And, Elsewhere In This Web Site:


Our Mission:


Emergency Medical Services – Since 1978, the mission of this program has been to administer, maintain, and operate a State comprehensive emergency medical services system throughout Hawaii that is designed to reduce medical emergency deaths, injuries, and permanent long-term disability through the implementation of a fully integrated cohesive network of related components. The state system provides for the arrangement of personnel, facilities and such equipment, primarily in the pre-hospital setting, for the effective and coordinated delivery of health care services under emergency conditions whether occurring as a result of the patient’s condition, natural disasters, or other causes. [Hawaii Revised Statutes §321-221]

Injury Prevention – In early 2001, the Department of Health’s Injury Prevention and Control Program was officially moved to the Emergency Medical Services System Branch as one of three sections. By incorporating injury prevention into EMS, the Department joins a national trend and fulfills the vision of an expanded role for EMS as first articulated in the “EMS Agenda for the Future” released in 1996 by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The Agenda makes clear that injury prevention is an “essential” activity for EMS because of EMS’ unique role, which involves individual health care, public safety and public health.

The Injury Prevention and Control Section (IPCS) is the Department’s focus for injury prevention in communities throughout the state, and provides statewide coordination and collaboration in all areas of injury prevention for all age groups.

IPCS is responsible for coordinating, planning, conducting and evaluating injury prevention interventions, policy development and advocacy, collecting, analyzing and disseminating injury data, and technical support and training.

Please visit our Injury Prevention and Control Section’s website.

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EMS Ambulance Personnel Certification and Licensure

Questions should be addressed to the following:

State of Hawaii
Department of Commerce and Consumer

Professional and Vocational Licensing Division
Attn: BME
P.O. Box 3469
Honolulu, HI 96801
Phone: (808) 586-2708

eMail GraphicE-mail: medical@dcca.hawaii.gov


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Contact DCCA for Personnel Certification Info End–>

EMS Ambulance Billing

For ambulance billing inquiries, please contact the following:

 Intermedix Phone: 1-888-987-2713  Mailing address: State of Hawaii EMS Services P.O. Box 844502 Los Angeles, CA 90084-4502

Please have your billing statement when you call. This is a toll-free number.

If you have trouble reaching any of the numbers above, call (808) 733-9215 from 7:45 a.m. through 4:15 p.m., Hawaiian Standard Time, Monday through Friday.

Ambulance Fees – View the current ambulance fee rates.

Notice of Privacy Practices – View/save a copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices.

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Comfort Care Only – Do Not Resuscitate (CCO/DNR) Information:


Since July 1, 1995, emergency ambulance patients who have been diagnosed as terminally ill can, if they wish, obtain and wear a “COMFORT CARE ONLY” I.D. bracelet or necklace. CCO-DNR BraceletThen, should they stop, or are about to stop breathing, they will receive comfort care such as oxygen, medication for pain, suctioning of oral secretions, and other comfort measures, but they will NOT receive resuscitation efforts (i.e., rescue breathing, chest compressions, electric shocks, or medications intended to try to restart the heart). This is a completely voluntary decision that the terminally ill patient can make if he or she wants.

This law allows terminally ill patients a means to pass away, when their time comes, in as much comfort as possible, with their dignity intact and without having to endure the pain, distress and expense of prolonging their death.

Please feel free to download the following two files (you’ll need both) for additional – including contact – information about this program:

Introductory Memorandum – Download/Save a Copy of This Memorandum.

Information Packet – Download/Save a Copy of the Information Packet.

For more information about the Comfort Care Only-Do Not Resuscitate Program or to request forms, please call our office at (808) 733-9210.

POLST or Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment

On July 16, 2009, POLST became law without the Governor’s signature as Act 186, (Gov. Msg. No. 543).

POLST (Physician’s Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) is a physician’s order that gives patients more control over their end-of-life care. It specifies the types of treatments that a patient wishes to receive towards the end of life. Completing a POLST form encourages communication between healthcare providers and patients, enabling patients to make more informed decisions. The POLST form documents those decisions in a clear manner and can be quickly understood by all providers, including first responders and emergency medical services (EMS) personnel. As a result, the patient’s wishes can be honored across all settings of care.

Kokua Mau is the lead agency for POLST. For more information about POLST, visit www.kokuamau.org or contact them at (808) 585-9977.

Hawaii POLST Form – Download/save a copy of the POLST Form.

A Provider’s Guide to POLST – Download/save a copy of this Guide.

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EMS Law and Administrative Rules:



You can use the following pick list to “surf” to a particular section of the online Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) relating to EMS (Use Your Browser’s Back Button to Return to This Page.):

Please Select a Section and Click
EMS-Related Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) Provisions
§321-221, HRS – Findings and purpose.
§321-222, HRS – Definitions.
§321-223, HRS – State comprehensive EMS system, establishment.
§321-224, HRS – Department of health, functions, duties.
§321-225, HRS – The state emergency medical services advisory committee.
§321-226, HRS – Emergency medical services and systems, standards.
§321-227, HRS – Regulation of ambulances.
§321-228, HRS – Emergency medical services; counties.
§321-229, HRS – Emergency medical services personnel, training programs.
§321-23, HRS – Catastrophic and traumatic emergency response program.
§321-23.3, HRS – Volunteer emergency medical disaster response personnel.
§321-23.6, HRS – Rapid identification documents.
§321-230, HRS – Technical assistance, data collection, evaluation.
§321-231, HRS – Grants.
§321-232, HRS – Revenues; deposit into state general fund.
§321-233, HRS – Rules.
§321-234, HRS – Emergency medical services special fund.
[§321-235, HRS] – Immunity and limitation on liability for emergency aeromedical services.
[§321-22.5, HRS] – Trauma system special fund.
§453-31, HRS – Emergency ambulance service personnel.
§453-32, HRS – Certification of emergency ambulance personnel.
§453-32.1, HRS – Renewal of certification.
§453-32.5, HRS – Temporary certification.
§453-32.51, HRS – Limited temporary certification.
§453-32.6, HRS – Delegation to committee . . .
§453-33, HRS – Rules.
§663-1.5, HRS – Exception to liability. THE “GOOD SAMARITAN” ACT

The following are laws enacted during the 2007 Session of the Hawaii State Legislature and approved by the Governor (Please click on the Act title to download/view a copy of the measure.):
Click Here to Download this Document Act 65, Session Laws of Hawaii 2007 – Oahu Emergency Aeromedical Services Emergency Appropriation

Click Here to Download this Document Act 79, Session Laws of Hawaii 2007 – Relating to Violence Against Emergency Medical Services Personnel

Click Here to Download this Document Act 91, Session Laws of Hawaii 2007 – Relating to Automated External Defibrillators
Click Here to Download this Document Act 102, Session Laws of Hawaii 2007 – Relating to the Cigarette Tax. (Tax proceeds are used to fund the emergency medical services and trauma special funds.)

Hawaii Administrative Rules that Relate to EMS:

Title 11 – Department of Health, Chapter 72 – State Comprehensive EMS System
Title 16 – Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Chapter 85 – Medical Examiners, Subchapter 7 – Certifying Emergency Medical Service Personnel

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Standing Orders for Hawaii’s Mobile Intensive Care Technicians (MICTs)



A complete set of Hawaii’s standing orders for ambulance advance life support personnel is available online to review or for downloading. (Please Note: The orders are in a 874KB .pdf file.)

Download/Save a Copy of the Standing Orders.



The document, “Mobile Intensive Care Technician Biological Outbreak/Exposure Mass Prophylaxis & Immunization Standing Orders,” is the first edition of a manual that provides the Department of Health with standing orders for preventive antibiotic therapy and/or immunizations in the event of a bioterrorism attack due to anthrax, brucellosis, plague, smallpox, or tularemia.

The document contains 1) an overview of the bioterrorism preparedness response plans regarding mass prophylaxis and immunization; 2) standing order protocols for anthrax, brucellosis, plague, smallpox, and tularemia; 3) antibiotic information for practitioners; 4) antibiotic information brochures for patients; and 5) data management and consent forms.

This document should be considered an annex to the State of Hawaii EMS MICT Standing Orders and Extended Standing Orders.

The standing orders contained within this document become activated when the Director of Health declares a state of emergency due to a specific bioterrorism incident, and issues a memorandum ordering the EMS prehospital providers to begin mass prophylaxis. The memorandum would contain information regarding the nature of the bioterrorism incident, the causative microorganism, the population at risk, and the mass prophylaxis protocol to be followed.

This document may be reviewed annually to ensure that the standing orders are up to date, and reflect the latest available recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response.

Download/Save a Copy of the Standing Orders for Mass Prophylaxis Following a Bioterrorism Incident.

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Public Information EMS Fact Sheets


Please click on the name of the fact sheet to view, download, or save a copy.

Don’t Delay, Dial 911!    •     Top Ten Tips About Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for Parents of Young Children!

In an Emergency, Don’t Stall – Call 911!    •     In an Emergency,You Make the Difference!     •     Big Surf Safety Tips

POISON HELP: First Aid For Poisoning

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Select Hawaii & EMS Links:


State of Hawaii
State of Hawaii – Text Version
State of Hawaii – Department of Health
State of Hawaii – Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Professional and Vocational Licensing


City & County of Honolulu, Emergency Services Department — The Department’s Emergency Medical Services Division
Hawaii Beach Safety
Hawaii Life Flight
Hawaiian Lifeguard Association
Keiki Injury Prevention Coalition
Lifeguards’ Guide to the Guarded Beaches of Oahu, Hawaii
Pacific Disaster Center
Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center – Call 1-800-222-1222 (Toll Free Statewide) for Poison Information
The Old Paramedic’s EMS Pages

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Contact Information:

State of Hawaii Department of Health Emergency Medical Services & Injury Prevention System Branch 3675 Kilauea Avenue Trotter Building, Basement Level Honolulu, HI 96816 USA
Phone: (808) 733-9210 Administration Fax: (808) 733-9216 Medical Records Request/Billing Fax: (808) 733-8332
eMail GraphicE-mail: emsipsb@doh.hawaii.gov


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Last modified: 30-Jun-2011 10:38 AM HST

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