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Dengue Outbreak 2015-16

Report a Case

Disease Reporting Line:
(808) 586-4586


AUW 2-1-1

While HDOH will continue to closely monitor for new cases of locally transmitted mosquito-borne diseases, this site will no longer be updated on a daily basis after April 26, 2016. For more information about mosquito-borne diseases and investigations, please visit Mosquito-borne Diseases.


Dengue Fever – Hawaii Island Outbreak

Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes can transmit the viruses that cause dengue fever and Zika virus disease.  For more information on Zika, go here.

The Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH) is investigating a cluster of locally-acquired cases of dengue fever on Hawaii Island (the Big Island). Dengue is not endemic to Hawaii. However, it is intermittently imported from endemic areas by infected travelers. This is the first cluster of locally-acquired dengue fever since the 2011 outbreak on Oahu.  The Big Island and the rest of Hawaii remain safe destinations for visitors and residents.

As of April 26, 2016*:

Since the last update, HDOH has identified 0 new cases of dengue fever.   Currently, as many as 0 of the confirmed cases to date are potentially infectious to mosquitoes. All others are no longer infectious.

IMPORTANT: Infectious mosquitoes may still be present, even if no cases remain infectious to mosquitoes. “Fight the bite” preventative measures remain crucial throughout the Big Island.

Potentially infectious individuals
Cases no longer infectious
264 Illness onset 9/11/15 to 3/17/16
Past and present confirmed cases (Cumulative TOTAL)


Of the confirmed cases, 238 are Hawaii Island residents and 26 are visitors.
218 cases have been adults; 46 have been children (<18 years of age). Onset of illness has ranged between 9/11/15 – 3/17/16.
As of today, a total of 1643 reported potential cases have been excluded based on test results and/or not meeting case criteria.

Risk areas for potential dengue infection Hawaii 2015-2016

As of April 20, 2016 the risk area map will not be updated again unless additional recent activity is reported.CDC Interim Assessment of the Response by the Hawaii State Department of Health to the Dengue Outbreak on the Island of Hawaii

HDOH continues to routinely monitor for cases of imported dengue infection on ALL islands and will continue to have Vector Control perform mosquito site assessments and abatement as needed.  Since the beginning of our current investigation on Hawaii island, sixteen imported dengue fever cases have been confirmed (eleven on Oahu, three on Maui, two on Hawaii), two imported chikungunya cases (one on Oahu, one on Hawaii), and five imported Zika cases (four on Oahu, one on Kauai) have been confirmed. These cases are not associated with the Hawaii island investigation.

Dengue Fever and Mosquitoes — Information and Resources


Frequently Asked Questions (printable PDF files):


Dengue Fever Brochures


Call Aloha United Way 2-1-1 for general information about dengue fever and the current Big Island dengue investigation.  (Out of state callers may call +1 (877) 275-6569, toll free)

To report a suspect case, contact:

To report mosquito concerns, contact:

If you are ill and are worried that you might have dengue fever, contact your healthcare provider.

CLINICIANS: for updates go to

*Updates to case counts, when available, will be posted Monday-Friday by 1:00 p.m. HST

**Updates to the map, when available, will be posted Wednesday by 1:00 p.m. HST

Last reviewed February 2017.