EPA launched the e-manifest system nationally on June 30, 2018. To learn more about e-manifest, you can explore the direct links below or start from EPA’s e-manifest homepage.
New E-manifest rules effective January 22, 2025 and December 1, 2025
Please watch the video playlist below for a summary and instructions on how to set up user accounts and permissions to comply with the new requirements.
TO CHANGE SITE PERMISSIONS for a site you already have permissions for:
- Click your name in the upper right hand corner
- Click “profile” on the dropdown menu
- Click “my site permissions” tab
- Select the checkbox to the left of the site or sites you want to change permissions for
- Click “modify permissions for selected sites” button at the bottom of the site list
- Select the permissions you want using the dropdown menus and click “send request”
January 22, 2025
- New RCRAInfo registration requirement for SQGs and LQGs
- At least one staff person must have E-manifest Certifier or Site Manager permissions
- Receiving facilities will stop mailing paper copies of manifests back to generators and you will receive your final manifest copy in E-manifest
- E-manifest Certifier or Site Manager permissions allow you to certify corrections on a manifest and will allow you to submit electronic exception reports beginning December 1, 2025
- Manifest report timeframes changed:
- LQG exception report changed to 60 days (make inquiries within 45 days, report after 60 days)
- Discrepancy report changed to 20 days
- Manifest corrections must be completed within 30 days of regulator request (applies to all parties on manifest)
- Changes to manifest form
- 4 copies
- International shipment section moved to continuation sheet item 33
- PCB manifest clarifications – E-manifest requirements apply to PCB manifests
December 1, 2025
- Exception reports and other manifest reports must be submitted electronically in RCRAInfo (exception report, discrepancy report, unmanifested waste report)
- Exporters must submit export manifests to E-manifest
- Exporter may be the generator, a TSDF, or a recognized trader
- Last transporter who transports export shipment out of the US must provide export manifest and continuation sheet to the exporter (instead of the generator; generators receive their copy in E-manifest)
- Other changes related to import/export documentation, including allowing for electronic transmittals of international shipment documents
EPA’s summary of the new E-manifest rule and link to read the rule in the Federal Register
EPA webinar on new E-manifest rule (recorded July 17, 2024) ~ Slides from recorded webinar
EPA’s main E-manifest page, including Frequently Asked Questions
12/9/2020 update
EPA has removed the requirement for identity verification for generator and transporter signatures on the manifest. (And also for the initial signature by the TSDF when receiving the waste.) This makes it easier to use a fully electronic manifest. Individual staff persons still need to set up user accounts and request site permission to link their personal account to the site(s) they will be signing for. A user account also allows you to view completed manifests that are uploaded by the TSDF.
Click here to set up your account. You can search for your site by EPA ID number, name, or address. If you have trouble finding your site to request permissions, please e-mail noa.klein@doh.hawaii.gov.
EPA will be continuing a webinar series, usually the last Wednesday of each month at 2pm Eastern time. There will be no end of December webinar, but click the link above to view a recording of the December 3 webinar.
6/26/2020 update
The RCRAInfo industry application has a new tab called “Reports/Extracts”
There have been requests for reports and extracts of manifest information and EPA has released the first report, the Manifest Summary Report and the first extract the Manifest Summary Extract.
This report and extract provide facility, manifest, and waste line information for manifest meeting the user selected criteria. The user must specify the entity type that the site(s) will be acting as (generator, initial transporter, designated facility, or alternate designated facility), a date range for either the shipped, received, certified, or last updated date, and one or more site ids. Optionally, the user may specify which manifest statuses to include (all statuses will be included by default).
- Depending on your site, reports can contain large amounts of data (i.e., many sites and/or many manifests) may take several minutes to process. For best results, select only sites of interest with the smallest appropriate date range. However, if you run a report and do not want to wait, feel free to leave the screen and come back later and the report will likely be there, done and ready for you to view.
- The reports are saved so you can refer to them later, you will need to rerun/refresh the report to get new data.
- The export separates manifests on the waste line level, so a manifest with 10 lines will have 10 rows.
- These and reports and extracts can be run for up to 366 days at a time.
- If your site acts as a TSDF and a Generator, you will need to run the report 3 times once for generator, designated facility, and if applicable alternate designated facility to get all activity for a given time period.
- Since there can be many PCB articles and containers associated with a waste line, PCB information is not included in this report or extract. This information may be viewed on the individual manifests within the application.
7/31/19 update
EPA has announced new user fees, applicable to manifests started (signed by the generator) October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2021. Per manifest fees vary by manifest submission type, ranging from $8.00 for electronic manifests to $25.00 for mailed in paper manifests. The current most popular manifest submission type, data + image upload, will cost $14.00 per manifest. For more information, see EPA’s e-manifest user fees and payment information page.
5/7/19 updates
April 2019 webinar recording – includes registration demo and review of common manifest errors. Note that the demo is conducted in pre-production but users need to register in the production version of the system.5/7/19 updates
- EPA will be continuing a webinar series the last Wednesday of each month at 2pm Eastern time (for March to October, this will be 8am Hawaii time)
- Job title and mailing address on user profiles can be changed by calling the CDX help desk at 833-501-6826.
- EPA’s paper processing center is working through the backlog of mailed paper manifests and expects to catch up within a few months.
- Per manifest fees are expected to increase on October 1, 2019. The new fee schedule should be posted on EPA’s e-manifest website by July 1, 2019.
11/2/18 updates:
- Public reports on RCRAInfo Web are now available (beignning 11/1/18). Manifest information related to COIs will be in the e-manifest system, but will be withheld from public disclosure.
- Ability to correct manifests after submission by TSDF is now available.
- EPA will be continuing a webinar series the last Wednesday of each month at 2pm Eastern time (for November to February, this will be 9am Hawaii time)
- E-manifest system is currently accepting all manifests, including manifests containing certain P- and U-listed wastes (chemicals of interest or COIs). EPA has completed review of security controls related to these wastes. Manifest information related to COIs will be in the e-manifest system, but will be withheld from public disclosure.
- New functionalities to be tested in pre-production this fall: Manifest preparation by brokers and transporters.
Main posting
Each individual who will sign manifests electronically needs to have their own user account in the RCRAInfo Industry Application. We recommend that all sites have at least one Site Manager, preferably two, sign up for user accounts. The Site Manager is like a “super user” who manages the user accounts of other users for a site. The Site Manager can also use myRCRAid within the RCRAInfo Industry Application to submit updates to the Site ID form (EPA Form 8700-12).
- You can go directly to the RCRAInfo Industry Application to sign up for a user account. You will need to be able to access your e-mail account to complete the registration process. Click on “register” and “continue to industry user registration.”
- There are online courses you can take explaining the basics of e-manifest, how to sign up for a user account, and what Site Managers do. First, go to Learning Zen to register for an account. Complete the requested information and use the authorization code “rcrainfo”. Then, log in and click on “course catalog” and “all courses.”
- Or, after you sign up for an account, these direct links will take you to courses by signing in with your user account:
list of all courses
Introduction to e-manifest
Industry user registration
Site Manager roles and responsibilities
Industry myRCRAid module -
- Fact sheets for generators, transporters, TSDFs, and more.
- EPA’s answers to frequently asked questions
- Webinars recorded in May and June 2018:E-manifest system demonstration
How to register for a user account
What generators need to know
What transporters need to know (slides)
What receiving facilities need to know
Pacific Islands e-manifest training (from EPA Region 9)- (added 10/29/18)
- How to submit manifests (for TSDFs), including mailing address for paper manifests
- Information on fees to be paid by TSDFs
If you need assistance signing up for a user account or site permissions for a Hawaii site, please contact Noa Klein at noa.klein@doh.hawaii.gov or (808) 586-4238.
(last updated June 26, 2020)