Biennial Hazardous Waste Report

You must complete the 2023 Biennial Report by March 1, 2024 if your site was a Large Quantity Generator (LQG) for any month in 2023, or if your site is a permitted treatment, storage, or disposal facility (TSDF). The Hawaii Department of Health Hazardous Waste Program will be accepting electronic reports through the RCRAInfo Industry Application.

This series of training videos covers all the steps for completing your report, which are also listed below. Training videos are updated for the 2023 report. Live online training will be offered January 17 at 9am–registration for training and open office hour dates are listed at the bottom of this page. To ensure you receive information about training and office hours, please email

Selected slides with links from training videos (PDF)

Steps to complete

NOTE: Reports cannot be submitted until January 1, 2024, but can begin setup steps now!

0. Sign up for a Learning Zen account to access step by step instructional video courses (optional)

Direct links to specific courses below will take you directly to that course in Learning Zen if you are already signed in to your Learning Zen account when you click the link. // Sign up for Learning Zen. // Log in to Learning Zen if you are already signed up.

1. Register for a RCRAInfo user account

To register for an account, go to, click “Register” and select “Industry User.”

  • For help, see Learning Zen: RCRAInfo Industry Application User Registration.
  • Do not use Internet Explorer–this browser is not supported and will cause errors. I recommend Chrome.
  • You will need to be able to access your e-mail account to complete the registration process.
  • The RCRAInfo Industry Application allows for different people to prepare and certify (sign) the report, but each user must register for their own account.
  • If you have credentials for EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX) or have already created an account for the RCRAInfo Industry Application, you do not need to create a new user account.

2. Request permissions for your site(s)

Once you are signed in, click the “My Sites” tab at the top. Click on “select existing site” and search using your site ID (EPA ID number).

3. Complete the Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA)

If you are granted certifier or site manager permissions, the next time you sign in, RCRAInfo will prompt you to set up more security questions (which will be used when you electronically sign a form) and to complete electronic identity proofing or print, sign, and mail a paper ESA.

4. Print code lists

It is recommended that you print the Biennial Report codes (source, form, management method, waste minimization, unit of measure) (PDF) document for reference.

5. Gather your site’s manifests and other records

You can view completed manifests for your site in the e-manifest module of the RCRAInfo Industry Application.

6. Learn how to complete the report

7. Complete your report

You can begin entering GM and WR forms for your report now, but you will not be able to complete the SI (Site ID or notification) form or submit the report until January.

8. Validate data

This is a new step added to the RCRAInfo Industry App for the 2023 report cycle. Please refer to the training video for details. A list of validation errors can be found in the RCRAInfo help menu.

9. Certify and submit your report

This step cannot be completed until January 2024. If you are acting as a “preparer” you must mark the report “ready for signature” and then ensure that the certifier completes report submission.


Instructions, forms, and codes


Biennial Report instructions (PDF) – includes definitions, special instructions, forms, and codes

Definitions (PDF)

Special instructions (PDF)  – Topics included in special instructions:

  • Asbestos, PCBs, waste oils
  • Groundwater contaminated by hazardous waste
  • Lab packs
  • RCRA-Radioactive mixed wastes
  • Subpart K laboratory waste clean out – Note: Not applicable, since Hawaii has not adopted the Academic labs subpart K rule.
  • Wastes received from very small quantity generators (VSQGs) – Note: These instructions are for TSD facilities, not LQGs consolidating VSQG waste.
  • Wastes received from foreign countries
  • Wastes shipped to foreign countries

Reportable and Non-Reportable Wastes Guidance (PDF) – You will probably need this guidance only if you have wastewater, groundwater contaminated with hazardous waste, or are managing a CERCLA clean-up site.


Note: You will actually need to complete the forms ONLINE in the RCRAInfo Industry Application. The pages below are for your own use in preparing to complete your online report only.

GM form (Generation and Management) (PDF)

WR form (Waste Received) (PDF) – You only need this form if you are are a TSD facility and received waste from off-site.


Biennial Report codes (source, form, management method, waste minimization, unit of measure) (PDF)

Foreign site codes for exported waste (PDF) – You only need this if you exported waste out of the US.


Where to get help

1. Learning Zen

Register for an account on Learning Zen. Log in and click on “course catalog” and “all courses.” The following courses are available:

  • RCRAInfo Industry Application User Registration
  • Site Manager Roles and Responsibilities
  • RCRAInfo Industry Application Overview Tab
  • RCRAInfo Industry Application Biennial Report Module
  • RCRAInfo Industry Application myRCRAid Module (notification form, EPA form 8700-12)
  • Introduction to e-Manifest
  • Additional courses on e-Manifest billing and the Waste Import Export Tracking System (WIETS)

2. Training by DOH Hazardous Waste Program staff

Noa will be offering a webinar viewing of these training videos with live online Q&A sessions on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 9am. The session will be about 1.5 to 2 hours, with breaks. Please register here.

Selected slides with links from training videos (PDF)

3. DOH Hazardous Waste Program staff

Noa will be available via zoom to assist you in completing your report at the following days and times. No appointment or registration is necessary. Open office hours:

  • Friday, February 9, 9:30-10:30am
  • Monday, February 12, 2-3pm
  • Wednesday, February 14, 8:30-9:30am
  • Tuesday, February 20, 10-11am
  • Thursday, February 22, 2:30-3:30pm
  • Friday, February 23, 9-10am
  • Monday, February 26, 8:30-9:30am
  • Monday, February 26, 3-4pm

For biennial report questions, or if you have not received an email containing the zoom link for open office hours, call or email Noa.
(808) 586-4238