HW Program announcements
October 9, 2024 update
Hazardous waste rule changes & RCRAInfo E-manifest registration webinar
Thursday, November 7, 2024, 9am-10:30am
This webinar covers proposed rule changes, new rules with upcoming effective dates, and how to register for a RCRAInfo account and E-manifest permissions to comply with new rules.
Public hearing on proposed hazardous waste rule changes
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 10am*
Solid & Hazardous Waste Branch 2827 Waimano Home Road #100 Pearl City
*Please arrive early. If the parking lots above the building are full, or if you just enjoy walking, please park at the top of the State Laboratories building parking lot (a short & beautiful but steep walk).
Proposed amendments align state regulations with updates to the US Environmental Protection Agency’s federal hazardous waste management program, update the after-hours phone number for contacting Department on-scene coordinators in an emergency, and apply emergency preparedness requirements to intermediate and reclamation facilities handling hazardous secondary materials.
You can submit comments on the proposed rule changes at the public hearing or by email (noa.klein@doh.hawaii.gov) or postal mail or hand delivery to the Solid & Hazardous Waste Branch. Comments must be received by November 20, 2024.
For more information, including the full public notice and proposed amendments, go to: https://health.hawaii.gov/shwb/hazwaste/hwrules/update/
The proposed amendments will also be summarized at the webinar mentioned above. If you have questions on the proposed rules, please attend the webinar.
New E-manifest rules with 2 upcoming effective dates
These rule changes were already adopted by EPA and will become effective on the dates listed below. This is separate from the proposed rules discussed above. If you have questions on these rules, please attend the webinar mentioned above.
January 22, 2025
- New RCRAInfo registration requirement for SQGs and LQGs
- At least one staff person must have E-manifest Certifier or Site Manager permissions
- Receiving facilities will stop mailing paper copies of manifests back to generators and you will receive your final manifest copy in E-manifest
- E-manifest Certifier or Site Manager permissions allow you to certify corrections on a manifest and will allow you to submit electronic exception reports beginning December 1, 2025
- Manifest report timeframes changed:
- LQG exception report changed to 60 days (make inquiries within 45 days, report after 60 days)
- Discrepancy report changed to 20 days
- Manifest corrections must be completed within 30 days of regulator request (applies to all parties on manifest)
- Changes to manifest form
- 4 copies
- International shipment section moved to continuation sheet item 33
- PCB manifest clarifications – E-manifest requirements apply to PCB manifests
December 1, 2025
- Exception reports and other manifest reports must be submitted electronically in RCRAInfo (exception report, discrepancy report, unmanifested waste report)
- Exporters must submit export manifests to E-manifest
- Exporter may be the generator, a TSDF, or a recognized trader
- Last transporter who transports export shipment out of the US must provide export manifest and continuation sheet to the exporter (instead of the generator; generators receive their copy in E-manifest)
- Other changes related to import/export documentation, including allowing for electronic transmittals of international shipment documents
EPA’s summary of the new E-manifest rule and link to read the rule in the Federal Register
EPA webinar on new E-manifest rule (recorded July 17, 2024) ~ Slides from recorded webinar
EPA’s main E-manifest page, including Frequently Asked Questions
February 20, 2024 update
New rules effective January 29, 2024! – Click here to go directly to the summary of changes.
May 1, 2023
Proposed rule changes and public hearing notice– Public hearing June 2, 2023
March 9, 2023
New guidance VIDEO on electronic item universal waste, new guidance on alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Click here for the FAQ and guidance documents page.
March 3, 2023
New guidance on electronic item universal waste has been posted. Click here for the FAQ and guidance documents page.
November 9, 2022
New guidance has been posted on the following topics:
- Quick reference guides for Large Quantity Generators
- Pharmaceutical waste management and the pharmaceutical sewer ban
- Lithium-ion batteries
- Land Disposal Restriction (LDR) compliance
Click here for the FAQ and guidance documents page.
October 3, 2022 update
Proposed rule changes and public hearing notice– Public hearing November 9, 2022.
June 14, 2021 update
New rules effective June 7, 2021! – Click here to go directly to the summary of changes.
Webinars and resources on new rules: pharmaceuticals rule, UW rules
January 14, 2021 update
Proposed rule changes and public hearing notice
July 8, 2020 updates
1. EPA has added a termination date of August 31, 2020 to its temporary COVID-19 enforcement policy. Click here for details on the policy and termination date. The Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH) Hazardous Waste (HW) Program will follow EPA guidance regarding enforcement discretion when hazardous waste generator operations are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Generators should contact EPA Region 9 and HDOH immediately if operations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic may create an acute risk or an imminent threat to human health or the environment. (Contact 1. Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Office – (808) 586-4249, after hours (808) 247-2191; AND 2. HW Program – (808) 586-4226 and ask for Tom.)
Violations can be self-reported to HDOH HW Program by e-mailing thomas.brand@doh.hawaii.gov.
2. New guidance document: How to cite Hawaii Administrative Rules chapters 11-260.1 to 11-279.1. This guidance will remain posted on the main rules page.
3. Video of Q&A on June 25, 2020 rule updates. Note: The answer to the last question on the video is that used FDA-approved OTC nicotine replacement gums, patches, and lozenges are not hazardous waste.
June 25, 2020 updates, including new rules effective June 25
1. Updated Hawaii hazardous waste regulations effective June 25, 2020!
The changes include the delisting of FDA-approved over-the-counter nicotine gums, patches, and lozenges. The rest of EPA’s pharmaceutical rule is NOT adopted by the State of Hawaii at this time.
Click here to go to the hazardous waste program rules page for more information, including rule chapter guidebooks. We recommend you bookmark this page for future use.
These changes to Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) chapters 11-260.1 to 11-279.1 were proposed in December 2019 with a public meeting and public comment period in January 2020. Click here for a detailed list of changes to the regulations. Significant changes have been made to chapters 11-260.1 to 11-265.1, HAR. No significant changes to waste- and facility-specific regulations (chapter 11-266.1), land disposal restrictions (chapter 11-268.1), the hazardous waste permitting program (chapters 11-270.1 and 11-271.1), universal waste regulations (chapter 11-273.1), or used oil regulations (chapter 11-279.1) are included in this rulemaking.
2. Join me (Noa) for an online Q&A session on the rule changes at 9am on Tuesday, June 30, 2020 by clicking the following link: Join Teams Live Event 6/30 9am
You should be able to participate using any internet browser. If you do not have Microsoft Teams, after clicking the link you may need to select “Watch on the web instead.”
I will briefly review the list of changes made and then take questions. You will need to type your questions into the chat box, so come prepared!
3. E-manifest announcement
The RCRAInfo industry application has a new tab called “Reports/Extracts”
There have been requests for reports and extracts of manifest information and EPA has released the first report, the Manifest Summary Report and the first extract the Manifest Summary Extract.
This report and extract provide facility, manifest, and waste line information for manifest meeting the user selected criteria. The user must specify the entity type that the site(s) will be acting as (generator, initial transporter, designated facility, or alternate designated facility), a date range for either the shipped, received, certified, or last updated date, and one or more site ids. Optionally, the user may specify which manifest statuses to include (all statuses will be included by default).
For more information on e-manifest, click here.
4. EPA Enforcement Alert on RCRA Air Emissions
June 16, 2020 EPA Enforcement Alert
This Alert provides information to the regulated community on frequently cited compliance issues associated with air emissions from hazardous waste, recent enforcement case settlements, EPA inspection approaches, facility best practices, as well as the importance of carefully considering both the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Clean Air Act (CAA) requirements when addressing organic air emissions.
May 26, 2020 update – COVID-19 temporary guidance regarding generator signatures on manifests
Click here for EPA’s additional guidance regarding generator signatures on manifests. This guidance refers to and incorporates the COVID-19 enforcement memo discussed below.
March 27, 2020 update – COVID-19 & hazardous waste generators
The Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH) Hazardous Waste (HW) Program will follow EPA guidance regarding enforcement discretion when hazardous waste generator operations are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. See the EPA COVID-19 memo, with particular attention to sections I.A. general conditions and I.D.4. regarding hazardous waste generators.
Generators should contact EPA Region 9 and HDOH immediately if operations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic may create an acute risk or an imminent threat to human health or the environment. (Contact 1. Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Office – (808) 586-4249, after hours (808) 247-2191; AND 2. HW Program – (808) 586-4226 and ask for Tom.)
Violations can be self-reported to HDOH HW Program by e-mailing thomas.brand@doh.hawaii.gov.
August 21, 2019 updates – Pharmaceuticals rule
Sewer ban effective today
Effective today, August 21, 2019, the sewer ban prohibits all healthcare facilities and reverse distributors from discharging any hazardous waste pharmaceuticals to a sewer system that passes through to a publicly owned treatment works (POTW; see 40 CFR §266.505). This is the only provision of EPA’s “Management Standards for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals and Amendment to the P075 Listing for Nicotine” rule effective in Hawaii. Other provisions of the rule do not become effective until they are adopted in state law.
Save the date – Public presentation September 20
The Hazardous Waste Program is planning a presentation on the federal rule “Management Standards for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals and Amendment to the P075 Listing for Nicotine” for September 20, 2019, 9-11am. Confirmation and details to follow. Note that the sewer ban is the only provision of the federal rule effective in Hawaii. Other provisions of the rule do not become effective until they are adopted in state law. This presentation will cover the federal rule only.
More information on the federal rule
- New FAQs on the pharmaceuticals rule, including questions on the sewer ban: https://www.epa.gov/hwgenerators/frequent-questions-about-management-standards-hazardous-waste-pharmaceuticals-and
40 CFR §266.505 prohibits all healthcare facilities and reverse distributors from discharging any hazardous waste pharmaceuticals to a sewer system that passes through to a publicly owned treatment works (POTW). This includes hazardous waste pharmaceuticals that are also controlled substances under the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) regulations and collected household pharmaceuticals (see 40 CFR §266.506). Although the sewer prohibition applies to healthcare facilities and reverse distributors with respect to hazardous waste pharmaceuticals, EPA strongly discourages sewering of any pharmaceutical in any setting (with few exceptions, such as sterile water, 0.9 percent sodium chloride (saline) and Ringer’s lactate solution).
- Recording of EPA webinar summarizing the rule: https://clu-in.org/conf/tio/HazWastePharmaceuticals_040219
- There is no free definitive source for a list of all hazardous waste pharmaceuticals. However, here is one source that might help: https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2019-08/documents/wikispace_pharms_list_for_web_draft_date_disclaimer.pdf
- EPA’s website on the rule contains additional resources: https://www.epa.gov/hwgenerators/final-rule-management-standards-hazardous-waste-pharmaceuticals-and-amendment-p075
Ban on sewer disposal of hazardous waste pharmaceuticals goes into effect August 21, 2019
As many of you probably know, EPA finalized its “Management Standards for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals and Amendment to the P075 Listing for Nicotine rule,” a.k.a. “The Pharmaceuticals Rule,” on February 22, 2019.
The only part of the rule adopted under federal Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 (HSWA) authorities is a prohibition on sewering of hazardous waste pharmaceuticals that applies to all healthcare facilities,** including very small quantity generators. The sewer ban becomes effective nation-wide on the effective date of the federal rule, August 21, 2019 [see the new 40 CFR section 266.505]. EPA discourages sewer disposal of any pharmaceutical waste by any entity, although the legal ban will only apply to hazardous waste pharmaceuticals and healthcare facilities.
**Definitions of “healthcare facility,” “pharmaceutical,” and “hazardous waste pharmaceutical” are found in the new 40 CFR section 266.500.
The rest of the rule does not become effective in the State of Hawaii until the provisions are adopted into State regulations. This long and complex rule will be a future topic of discussion.
For more information, including a copy of the rule and a link to a recorded EPA webinar summarizing the various provisions, go to: https://www.epa.gov/hwgenerators/final-rule-management-standards-hazardous-waste-pharmaceuticals-and-amendment-p075