Department of Health Administrative Rules Title 11


HAR 11-260.1 to 11-279.1, Hazardous Waste Management: General Provisions, public hearing notice (published October 11, 2024), see proposed changes here, and below also.

NEW Rules

HAR 11-280.1, Underground Storage Tanks, March 21, 2025, Effective Date

HAR 11-37 and 11-850 compilation, Hemp Processing and Manufactured Hemp Products and Medical Cannabis Dispensaries, Interim Rules, December 6, 2024, Effective Date


Name Chapter Program Title of Document Date Notes
11-1 1  Director’s Office  Department of Health Rules of Practice and Procedure  2/14/05  Lorrin Kim
(808) 586-4188
11-3 3  Physical Therapists  Repealed




5 Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Office  Environmentally-Related Illness and Injury Reporting 8/02/21  Gabrielle Fenix Grange
(808) 586-4249
11-6 6  State Health Insurance Program  Repealed
11-10 10 Food Safety Branch  Swimming Pools  7/15/02  Peter Oshiro
(808) 586-8000
11-11 Repealed 11 Sanitation/Food & Drug/Vector Control Branch  Sanitation  10/27/18  Peter Oshiro
(808) 586-8000
11-12 12  Food Service and Food Establishment Sanitation Code  Repealed
11-13 13  Public Swimming Pools  Repealed
11-13appa 13 App A  Public Swimming Pools  Repealed
11-14 14  Housing  Repealed
11-15 15 Food Safety Branch  Milk  8/14/89  Peter Oshiro
(808) 586-8000
11-16 16  Recreational Trailer Camps  Repealed
11-17 17 Food Safety Branch  Tattoo Artists  9/18/81  Peter Oshiro
(808) 586-8000
11-19 19 Safe Drinking Water Branch  Emergency Plan for Safe Drinking Water  11/27/81 Dennis Lopez
(808) 586-4258

Appendices A – K


20 Safe Drinking Water Branch  Rules Relating to Public Water Systems  10/29/2020  Dennis Lopez
(808) 586-4258
11-21 21 Safe Drinking Water Branch  Cross-Connection & Backflow Control  12/26/81 Dennis Lopez
(808) 586-4258
11-22 22 Food Safety Branch  Mortuaries, Cemeteries, Embalmers, Undertakers & Mortuary Authorities  12/26/81  Peter Oshiro
(808) 586-8000
11-23 23 Safe Drinking Water Branch  Underground Injection Control  11/12/92 Dennis Lopez
11-23appa 23 App A Safe Drinking Water Branch  Underground Injection Control  11/12/92
Dennis Lopez
11-25  25 Safe Drinking Water Branch  Rules Relating to Certification of Public Water System Operators  08/10/18 Dennis Lopez
(808) 586-4258
11-26 26 Food and Drug Branch/Vector Control Branch  Vector Control  08/10/00  (808) 586-4708
11-27 27 Food and Drug Branch  Bottled Water New Rules in Process
Lynn Nakasone
(808) 586-4725
11-29 29 Food and Drug  Branch  Food & Food Products  11/5/81
 Lori Nagatoshi
(808) 586-4502
11-30 30  Frozen Desserts  Repealed
11-32 32  Controlled Substances  Repealed
11-33 33 Food and Drug Branch/Vector Control Branch  Hawaii Drug Formulary of Equivalent Drug Products  6/5/81
 Lori Nagatoshi
(808) 586-4502
11-34 34  Poisons  Repealed
11-35 35 Food Safety Branch  Shellfish Sanitation  9/18/81  Peter Oshiro
(808) 586-8000
11-36 36 Food and  Drug Branch/Vector Control Branch  Sale of Prophylactics Through Vending Machines  3/12/82  Lori Nagatoshi
(808) 586-4502

11-37  and 11-850



37 and 850 (Medical Cannabis Dispensaries) compilation interim rules Food and Drug Branch Hemp processing and Hemp products Effective date:


Lori Nagatoshi

(808) 733-2121

11-39 39 Noise, Radiation and Indoor Air Quality Branch  Air Conditioning & Ventilating  1/31/83  Pending Repeal/
Replacement by Chapter 48
Jeffrey Eckerd
(808) 586-4700
11-40 40  Radiation Protection  Repealed
11-41 41 Noise, Radiation and Indoor Air Quality Branch  Lead-Based Paint Activities  03/08/2023  Pending Amendment & Compilation
Jeffrey Eckerd
(808) 586-4700
11-42 42  Vehicular Noise Control for Oahu  Repealed
11-43 43  Community Noise Control for Oahu  Repealed
11-44 44 Noise, Radiation and Indoor Air Quality Branch  Radiologic Technology Board Radiologic Technology Rules  04/29/10  Jeffrey Eckerd
(808) 586-4700
11-45 45 Noise, Radiation and Indoor Air Quality Branch  Radiation Control  11/12/99  Pending Amendment & Compilation
Jeffrey Eckerd
(808) 586-4700
11-46 46 Noise, Radiation and Indoor Air Quality Branch  Community Noise Control  9/23/96  Pending Amendment & Compilation
Jeffrey Eckerd
(808) 586-4700
11-47 47 Noise, Radiation and Indoor Air Quality Branch  Devices on Non-Ionizing Radiation  New Rules in Process
Jeffrey Eckerd
(808) 586-4700
 New Rules in Process
Jeffrey Eckerd
(808) 586-4700
11-48 48 Noise, Radiation and Indoor Air Quality Branch  Ventilation  New Rules in Process/Pending Repeal of Chapter 39
Jeffrey Eckerd
(808) 586-4700
 11-50 (2017) 50 Food Safety Branch  Food Safety Code 09/01/2017  Peter Oshiro  
(808) 586 – 8000
53 Clean Water Branch Section 401 Water Quality Certifications 10/22/2021 Darryl Lum

(808) 586-4309

11-54 54 Clean Water Branch  Water Quality Standards  


Myron Honda
(808) 586-4309
11-55 appendices C,J, L January 19 2024

11-55 2023 and appendices A,D,H, I,M June 26, 2023







 Clean Water Branch



Water Pollution Control




Appendices A-M effective date varies

 Darryl Lum
(808) 586-4309

Appendix A 

Appendix B 

 Appendix C

56 Clean Water Branch NonPoint Source Pollution Control 06/25/2021 Scott Miyashiro

(808) 586-4309

11-57 57  Private Wastewater Treatment Works and Individual Wastewater Systems  Repealed
11-58 58  Solid Waste Management Control
11-58.1  58.1 Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch  Solid Waste Management Control  1/13/94  Lene Ichinotsubo
(808) 586-4226
11-59 59  Clean Air Branch  Ambient Air Quality Standards  9/15/01  Pending Amendment & Compilation
Marianne Rossio
(808) 586-4200
11-60 60  Air Pollution Control  Repealed



60.1  Clean Air Branch  Air Pollution Control  



Marianne Rossio
11-61 61 Wastewater Branch Mandatory Certification of Operating Personnel in Wastewater Treatment Plants  1/22/02  Marshall Lum
(808) 586-4258
11-62  62  Wastewater Branch  Wastewater Systems  03/21/16  Sina Pruder
(808) 586-4258
11-62a 62 App Wastewater Branch  Wastewater Systems  12/09/04  Sina Pruder
(808) 586-4258
11-65 65 Wastewater Branch/Safe Drinking Water Branch  Environmental State Revolving Funds  10/08/2015  Sina Pruder
(808) 586-4258
11-68 68 Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch  Litter Control  11/06/81 Lene Ichinotsubo
(808) 586-4226
11-72 (2020)

11-72 (1996)

11-72 (1985)


72 Emergency Medical Services System Branch  State Comprehensive Emergency Medical Services System Amendment Interim Rules 04/30/20



 Robert Lau
(808) 733-8330
11-79 79  Office of Health Care Assurance  Licensing Dietitians  01/08/08 (808) 692-7227
11-80 80  Community Health Division  Chronic Renal Disease  09/18/1981 (808)692-7227
11-81 81  Healthy Hawaii Initiative  Smoking in Work Places and Public Places  08/25/2010  Lila Johnson
(808) 586-4662
11-88.1 88.1  Developmental Disabilities Division  “Services for Persons with Developmental or Intellectual Disabilities” Also includes the repeal of Chapters 11-86, 11-87, and 11-88.  10/26/14  Mary Brogan
(808) 586-5840
11-88.1 subchapter 7 88.1 subchapter 7  Developmental Disabilities Division  Services for Persons with Developmental or Intellectual Disabilities  06/22/2015  Mary Brogan
(808) 586-5840
11-89 89  Office of Health Care Assurance  Services for Developmental Disabilities Domiciliary Homes  2/03/92  Pending Amendment & Compilation


11-90 90  Office of Health Care Assurance  Assisted Living Facilities  8/23/99  Pending Amendment & Compilation

(808) 692-7227

11-91 91  Office of Health Care Assurance  Hospice  New Rules in Process

(808) 692-7227

11-92 92  Office of Health Care Assurance  Therapeutic Living Programs  New Rules in Process


11-93 93  Office of Health Care Assurance  Hospitals Freestanding Birthing Facilities  8/03/92
(808) 692-7227
11-93-2 93.2  Office of Health Care Assurance  Hospitals Freestanding Birthing Facilities  8/03/92
(808) 692-7227
11-94.2 94.2  Office of Health Care Assurance  Nursing Facilities  09/16/22 (808) 692-7227
11-95 95  Office of Health Care Assurance  Freestanding Surgical Outpatient Facilities  3/03/86  Pending Repeal and Replacement by Chapter 92.


11-96 96  Office of Health Care Assurance  Freestanding Adult Day Health Centers  11/22/91 (808) 692-7227
11-97.1 97.1  Office of Health Care Assurance  Home Health Agencies  09/16/22 (808) 692-7227
11-98 98  Office of Health Care Assurance  Special Treatment Facility  3/10/86  Pending Repeal and Replacement by Chapter 98.1


11-98-1 98.1  Office of Health Care Assurance  Special Treatment Facility  New Rules in Process


11-99 99  Office of Health Care Assurance  Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded  4/29/85 (808) 692-7227
11-100 100  Adult Residential Care Homes  Repealed
11-100.1 100.1  Office of Health Care Assurance  Adult Residential Care Homes  9/18/06 (808) 692-7227
11-101 101  Extended Care Adult Residential Care Homes  Repealed
11-102 102  State Health Planning and Development Agency (Attached agency)  Reviews of the Appropriateness of Institutional and Home Health Services  9/22/80  Ronald Terry
(808) 692-7227


103.1 Office of Health Care Assurance  Licensure and Certification Fees for Health Care Facilities 09/16/22 (808) 692-7227
11-104 104  Office of Health Care Assurance  Management and Disposal of Infectious Waste  Repealed
11-104.1 104.1  Office of Health Care Assurance  Management and Disposal of Infectious Waste  07/12/07 (808)692-7227
11-105 105  Office of Health Care Assurance  Fees for Home Health Services  11/27/81 Pending Repeal

(808) 692-7227

11-106 106  Office of Health Care Assurance  Background Checks 02/03/19  

(808) 692-7227

11-110 110  Clinical Laboratories and Laboratory Personnel  Repealed
11-110.1 110.1  Office of Health Care Assurance  Clinical Laboratories and Laboratory Personnel  7/05/07 (808) 692-7227
11-111 111  Testing of Blood, Breath, and Other Bodily Substances for Blood Alcohol Concentration  Repealed
11-113 113  State Laboratories Division  Substance Abuse Testing  10/19/07  Dr. Zou
(808) 453-6658
11-114 114  State Laboratories Division  Testing of Blood, Breath, and Other Bodily Substances for Blood Alcohol Concentration  12/30/93 Dr. Nguyen
(808) 453-6676
11-117 117  Office of Health Status Monitoring  Vital Statistics, Registration & Records. Converting from Public Health Regulations Chapters 8, 8A, and 8B  New Rules in Process
Grace Vo
(808) 586-4600
11-118 118 Office of Health Status Monitoring Disinterment Permits 10/31/18 Grace Vo


11-120 120  Office of Health Status Monitoring  Foreign Born Person Adopted in Hawaii  2/19/81  Pending Repeal Upon Adoption of
Chapter 117
Grace Vo
(808) 586-4600
11-123 123  Office of Health Status Monitoring  Names of Natural Parents on Birth Certificate of Adopted Person  2/19/81  Pending Repeal Upon Adoption of
Chapter 117
Grace Vo
(808) 586-4600
11-140 140  Children with Special Health Needs Branch  Early Intervention Service for Infants and Children  
11-141 141  Children with Special Health Needs Branch  Midwives  Repealed
11-142 142  Children with Special Health Needs Branch  Testing of Newborn Infants for Metabolic Diseases  Repealed
11-143 143 Children with Special Health Needs Branch Testing of Newborn Infants for Metabolic and Other Disease 8/11/2024 Dana Mulcahy


11-144 144  Children with Special Health Needs Branch  Testing of Newborn Infants for Hearing Loss  
(808) 733-9058
11-145 145  Developmental Disabilities Division  Community Services for the Developmentally Disabled; General Provisions  Repealed
11-147 147 Family Health Services Division  Health Services to Exceptional Children Under P.L. No. 94-142  4/12/84  Pending Repeal
Noe Wilcox
(808) 832-5745
148.1  148 Repealed

148.1 Adopted

Developmental Disabilities Division  Certification of Adult Foster Homes  8/2/21 Tracey Comeaux
(808) 453-6157
11-149 149 Developmental Disabilities Division  Neurotrauma  New Rules in Process
Wendie Lino
(808) 7333-2142
11-150 150 Hawaii Health Systems Corporation  Community Hospital Rates of the Community Hospital Division  9/05/81
11-156 156 Communicable Disease and Public Health Nursing Division (CDPHND) and Disease Outbreak Control Division (DOCD)  Communicable Diseases  3/13/08 Dr. Sarah Kimble (808)587-6845

Dr. Dianna Felton



11-157-includes-Exhibit-A-and-Exhibit-B 157 Disease Outbreak Control Division, Immunization Branch  Examination and Immunization 08/23/19


 Dr. Sarah Kimble
11-158 158  Communicable Disease Division Harm Reduction Services Branch  Venereal Disease  Repealed


160 Communicable Diseases Division Harm Reduction Services Branch  Medical Use of Marijuana 02/25/2019


(808) 733-9010
23-202  202 Communicable Diseases (this HAR is from Public Safety Division, Office of the Attorney General) Medical Use of Marijuana (Repeal of Chapter 23-202) 03/11/16  (808)733-9010



Hawaii TB Clearance Manual (10-30-17)






164  Tuberculosis Control Branch  Tuberculosis  3/17/2018

Public Hearing

Dr. Dianna Felton
(808) 586-4580
11-168 168  Hansen’s Disease Branch  Hansen’s Disease  11/05/81  Baron Chan
(808) 733-9831
11-169 169  Hansen’s Disease Branch  Registration & Operation of Motor Vehicles in Kalawao County  8/09/82  Baron Chan
(808) 733-9831
11-172 172  Adult Mental Health Division  Certification of Mental Health Rehabilitation Services Providers  8/06/05  Pending amendment
(808) 586-4770
11-173 173  Personnel Office and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Division  Suitability Determinations for Staff Members and Prospective Staff Members  New Rules in Process
11-174 174  Adult Mental Health Division  Payment for Hawaii State Hospital  6/14/86  Pending Amendment & Compilation
(808) 247-2191
11-175 175  Adult Mental Health Division  Mental Health and Substance Abuse System  12/06/10  Pending Amendment

(808) 586-4770

11-177 177  Certification Standards for Substance Abuse Counselors and Program Administrators  Repealed
11-177.1 177.1  Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division  Certification Standards for Substance Abuse Counselors and Program Administrators  12/16/2010 (808) 692-7518
11-178 178 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division Clean and Sober Homes Registry 03/01/2019  

(808) 692-7518

11-179 179  Adult Mental Health Division  Payment Fees for Community Mental Health Centers  10/04/91  Pending Amendment & Compilation


11-185 185  State Health Planning and Development Agency (Attached Agency)  Certificate of Need Program  2/09/81
7/01/82 & 3/09/00
 Darryl Shutter
(808) 587-0788




186  State Health Planning and Development Agency (Attached Agency)  Certificate of Need Program  08/17/2019  Darryl Shutter
(808) 587-0788
11-187 187  State Health Planning and Development Agency (Attached Agency)  Information Required for Health Planning  2/09/81 (808) 587-0788
11-188 188 State Health Planning and Development Agency (Attached Agency) Submission of Administrative Data to the State Health Planning and Development Agency (Interim Rules) 03/17/18 (808) 587-0788
11-193 193  Adult Mental Health Division  Broad Service Hospital  New Rules in Process





200  Act 152, signed by Governor Ige on 7/1/2021 transferred and renamed from the Dept. of Health, Office of Environmental Quality Control TO Environmental Review Program within the Office of Planning and Sustainable Development  Environmental Impact Statement Rules 08/09/2019



Mary Alice Evans
(808) 586-4185

11-201 201  Office of Environmental Quality Control (Attached Agency)  Environmental Council Rules of Practice and Procedure  12/06/85  Pending Amendment

Mary Alice Evans
(808) 586-4185

11-216 216 Disability and Community Access Board (Attached Agency) Disability and Communications Access Board Rules of Practice and Procedures  05/14/2017 (808) 586-8121
11-217 217  Disability and Communication Access Board (Attached Agency)  Disability and Communications Access Board Rules on Practice and Procedures  11/25/2013  Repealed
(808) 586-8121
11-218 218  Disability and Communication Access Board (Attached Agency)  Communication Access Services for Persons who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind  08/14/2020 (808) 586-8121
11-219 219 Disability and Communication Access Board (Attached Agency) Parking for Persons with Disabilities 06/25/2021 (808)586-8121
11-224 224  Radiology Technology Regulations  Repealed
11-260.1 to 11-279.1

public hearing 10am, Nov. 13, 2024

Proposed changes

11-260. 1 to 11-279.1 (Compilation of  Chapters 260.1,-261.1,-262.1,-263.1,-264.1,

-265.1, -266.1, -268.1,



Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch


Hazardous Waste


General Provisions

01/29/2024 Noa Klein


11-280 (REPEALED) 280  Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch  Hazardous Waste Management Public Information 07/17/2017 Noa Klein
(808) 586-4226



280.1 Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) 03/21/2025 Noa Klein


11-282 282  Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch  Deposit Beverage Container Recycling  4/21/07 Lene Ichinotsubo
(808) 586-4226
11-301 301  Maluhia Adult Residential Care Homes  Repealed
HRS 326 EMERGENCY RULES KALAWAO COUNTY APRIL 2021 HRS 326 KALAWAO COUNTY Hansen’s Disease Branch 4/16/2021 Baron Chan


11-351 351 Community Health Division  Nursing Student Loan Program  6/25/92  
(808) 832-5757
11-400 400 Adult Mental Health Division  Certification of Forensic Examiners  New Rules in Process

(808) 832-5620

11-401 401 Adult Mental Health Division  Utilization Review & Managed Care Standards for Mental Health, Alcohol & Drug Abuse Treatment Services  New Rules in Process
(808) 586-4770
11-451 451 Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Office State Contingency Plan 8/17/95 Gabrielle Fenix Grange
(808) 586-4249
11-452 452 Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Office  Requirements for Decontamination and Cleanup of Methamphetamine Manufacturing Sites  12/06/07 Gabrielle Fenix Grange
(808) 586-4249
11-453 453 Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Office  Hawaii Emergency Plan
(Community –Right-To-Know Act)
 11/05/10 Gabrielle Fenix Grange
(808) 586-4249
11-501 501 Noise, Radiation and Indoor Air Quality Branch  Asbestos Requirements  2/15/01  Pending Amendment & Compilation
Jeffrey Eckerd
(808) 586-4700
11-502 502 Noise, Radiation and Indoor Air Quality Branch  Asbestos Containing Materials in Schools  2/15/01  Pending Amendment & Compilation
Jeffrey Eckard
(808) 586-4700
11-503 503 Noise, Radiation and Indoor Air Quality Branch  Fees for Asbestos Removal and Certification  2/15/01  Pending Amendment & Compilation
Jeffrey Eckerd
(808) 586-4700
11-504 504 Noise, Radiation and Indoor Air Quality Branch  Asbestos Abatement Certification Program  2/15/01  Pending Amendment & Compilation
Jeffrey Eckerd
(808) 586-4700
11-700 700 Office of Health Care Assurance Home Care Agencies 8/10/18  



REPEAL 17-148  (replaced by 11-800)

800 Office of Health Care Assurance Home and Community-Based Case Management Agencies and Community Care Foster Family Homes 11/13/18  



11-850  850 and 37 (Hemp Processing and Manufactured Hemp Products) compilation Office of Medical Cannabis Control and Regulation Medical Cannabis Dispensaries 12/06/2024 Lori Nagatoshi (808)733-2121