Free Language Access Training on June 17

Posted on Jun 16, 2023 in OLA Posts

Free Language Access Training: Interpreting in Educational Settings

Where: ZOOM Online
When: Saturday, June 17, 2023 at 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

This training will focus on situations, subject matter, and vocabulary which an interpreter can expect to encounter when working in school settings such as parent/teacher conferences, orientation sessions, graduations, etc. We will discuss the Interpreter’s role in such contexts, the effect that cultural differences may play in complicating communication, and how to handle them.

Mr. Carlos Radillo is an instructor at the National Center for Interpretation at the University of Arizona. Mr. Radillo is a Spanish interpreter based in California. He is both state and federally certified as a court interpreter.


This training is provided by The Office of Language Access (OLA), State of Hawaii.
For Questions, please contact (808) 586-8730 or