For information on long term supports and services, please go to the Hawai’i Aging & Disability Resource Center website at www.hawaiiadrc.org
The Executive Office on Aging (EOA) is the designated lead agency in the coordination of a statewide system of aging and caregiver support services in the State of Hawai’i, as authorized by federal and state laws.
The federal Older Americans Act establishes an Aging Network and provides federal funding for elderly support services, nutrition services, preventive health services, elder rights protection, and family caregiver support services. Chapter 349 of the Hawai’i Revised Statutes establishes the Executive Office on Aging as the focal point for all matters relating to older adults’ needs and the coordination and development of caregiver support services within the State of Hawai’i.
Programs & Services
Senior Medicare Patrol Hawaii (SMP Hawaii) A volunteer-based program to ensure Medicare is not billed for health care services, medical supplies, and equipment not received. If you suspect fraud or errors when reviewing your Medicare statement, please contact SMP Hawaii at 586-7281 on O’ahu and toll-free at 1-800-296-9422 from the neighbor islands.
Hawaii State Health Insurance Assistance Program (Hawaii SHIP) This program provides free health insurance information, education, counseling, and referral for people with Medicare. Volunteers are trained and certified to assist members and their families with questions about Medicare benefits including Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Part D – the prescription drug benefit, Medigap, and Medicare Savings Program. For assistance, please contact Hawaii SHIP at 586-7299 on O’ahu and toll-free at 1-888-875-9229 or 1-866-810-4379 (TTY).
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP) This program provides information, outreach, and advocacy for residents of long-term care facilities. If you have a problem, complaint, or question regarding services provided at a long-term care facility, please contact the LTC Ombudsman at 586-7268 (O’ahu) or email at john.mcdermott@doh.hawaii.gov.
To ensure that all long-term care residents are aware of the services provided by the Long-Term Care Ombudsman, volunteers are trained and certified by the LTC Ombudsman Volunteer Program to regularly visit licensed LTC settings. To become a certified volunteer, please contact the Long-Term Care Volunteer Coordinator at 586-0100 (O’ahu).
Healthy Aging Partnership A statewide public-private partnership committed to improving the health and well-being of residents. The partnership offers evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention programs: EnhanceFitness (EF) Program, Ke Ola Pono Disease Self-Management Programs-Chronic Disease Self-Management (CDSMP), and Diabetes Self-Management (DSMP). Ke Ola Pono classes are open to adults 18 and older.
For information on accessing these services in your local area, please contact your county office on aging:
Honolulu: (808)768-7700 • Hawai’i: (808)961-8626 • Maui/Moloka’i/Lana’i: (808)270-7774 • Kaua’i: (808)241-4470
In-Home and Community-Based Services are available to assist older adults in remaining independent and active. Types of services provided: adult day care, assisted transportation, attendant care, case management, chore services, congregate meals, home delivered meals, homemaker/housekeeper, information and assistance, legal assistance, nutrition education, personal care, and transportation. There are also support services available to family caregivers such as: information, assistance, individual counseling, support groups and training, respite, and supplemental services.
For information on accessing services in your local area, please contact your county office on aging:
Honolulu: (808)768-7700 • Hawai’i: (808)961-8626 • Maui/Moloka’i/Lana’i: (808)270-7774 • Kaua’i: (808)241-4470
Contact Information for the Executive Office on Aging
Street Address: 250 South Hotel Street, Suite 406, Honolulu, Hawai’i 96813
Phone Number: (808) 586-0100
FAX: (808) 586-0185
Email: eoa@doh.hawaii.gov