Travel Data

Other Data Dashboards

New Case Counts

How many new cases were reported this week on each island?

See a breakdown of total and newly reported cases by island and case status.

Vaccine Summary

What are the current vaccination rates across the state?

Track vaccine administration by county, zip code, age, and race.

Mortality Data

What are the characteristics of people who have died from COVID-19?

Explore trends and demographics like age, race, and gender of COVID-19 deaths.

Age Trends

How are different age groups being affected by COVID?

Examine case rates by age group over time.

Race/Ethnicity Data

Which racial and ethnic groups have been most affected?

Compare cases, hospitalizations, and deaths by race/ethnicity and trends over time.

Hawaii Hospitalization Metrics

Hawaii Hospitalization Metrics
What are the current hospitalization metrics across the state?

Track hospitalization metrics over past 7 days. As of May 15, 2024, data are sourced from the Hawaii Hospital Capacity System, which provides near real-time information on hospital bed capacity/availability and COVID-19 census and admissions trends.