Assuring Infection Control in the Pacific

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Attached are the presentations from the Assuring Infection Control in the Pacific conference (2018).

1. Preparing for Ebola: Perspectives from the Region IX Ebola Treatment Center
Jonathan D. Grein, MD
Director, Hospital Epidemiology
Slide Presentation (PDF)

2. Federal Quarantine and Isolation Authorities; Application and Challenges
Clive M. Brown, MBBS, MPH, MSc, DTM&H
Quarantine and Border Health Services
Division of Global Migration and Quarantine
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Slide Presentation (PDF)

3. Quarantine and Isolation in Hawaii
Michele Nakata, JD
Public Health Program Manager
Disease Investigation Branch
Hawaii Department of Health

4. Strategies to Strengthen Team Resilience
Angela Vasa RN, CCRN
Nurse Manager
Nebraska Medicine, Nebraska Biocontainment Unit
Director of Quarantine Services
National Center for Health Security and BioPreparedness
Director of Site Assessments and Metrics Development
National Ebola Training and Education Center
Slide Presentation (PDF)

5. Occupational Health: Team Screening and Monitoring
Angela Vasa RN, CCRN
Nurse Manager
Nebraska Medicine, Nebraska Biocontainment Unit
Director of Quarantine Services
National Center for Health Security and BioPreparedness
Director of Site Assessments and Metrics Development
National Ebola Training and Education Center
Slide Presentation (PDF)

6. Responding to Novel Antimicrobial Resistance
Alexander Kallen, MD, MPH
Prevention and Response Branch
Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Slide Presentation (PDF)