Food Submission Page


Submit Foods for Review 

Hawaii WIC can only offer foods listed on its Authorized Product List (APL). When new food items are submitted by individuals or companies, we review them to ensure they meet all WIC requirements. Once approved, the product is added to the APL, giving WIC participants the option to purchase it.

Before You Submit

  1. Verify that product meets requirements listed in federal WIC regulations
  2. Review USDA’s Information for Food Manufacturers
  3. Review the APL to verify the submission will not be a duplicate
  4. The product must be available for at least one year on store shelves before it is considered for addition to the HI WIC APL.
  5. Please note, WIC does not accept UPC submissions f​​or fresh fruits and vegetables.

Once we review a product and it meets all requirements, we add the product to our APL. Once in the APL, participants can use their WIC benefits to buy that product.

How to Submit Foods

Prior to submitting a product, verify it is not already approved by referencing the APL.

Once you have found a product as currently not allowable and you feel it meets all requirements, please follow these instructions:

  • Complete the food designated spreadsheet(s). Download the appropriate spreadsheets from the “Food Category Spreadsheets” menu below.
  • Review the federal requirements and HI state criteria at the top of the spreadsheet to help determine state approval.
  • Add products and data for them onto the spreadsheet.
  • Provide a high resolution (300 ppi) JPEG of each product submitted (via FTP or ZIP file attached to your email) for consideration.
  • Submit the completed spreadsheet(s) and photos to:

Food Category Spreadsheets

Files listed below are all Excel files (xlsx)

What to expect after submission

  1. We’ll let you know when the food is. 
    • Approved
    • Not approved with an explanation for why
  1. When a product meets all criteria, it’ll be: 
    • Added to the APL
    • Added to the next WIC Shopping Guide, if brand specific

Thank you for your participation in providing a variety of foods to our HI WIC families.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.