Locate a certifying Provider

If a patient’s medical provider would like to register with the OMCCR as a qualified medical provider, more information can be found here

Registered Medical providers:

Please email [email protected] to submit a change request to edit your information. In the subject line, please type – DOH Medical Provider Contact Information -Request for update.

Provided below is contact information for certifying Physician/Advanced Practical Registered Nurses that may be able to provide written certifications to interested prospective qualifying patients pursuant to section 329-123, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS).  This is not an exhaustive list of medical providers.

Medical Cannabis Registry Program website includes information provided by external providers.  The DOH provides this information solely for your information and convenience.

The Department of Health:

  1. DOES NOT control or guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of the information provided below;
  2. DOES NOT endorse or recommend the views that these providers may express, or the products/services they offer;
  3. CANNOT ensure that the providers listed below meet the requirements of section 329-121, HRS, and encourages prospective patients to research providers before utilizing their services; and
  4. IS NOT responsible for transmissions or any other contact that prospective qualifying patients may receive from the providers listed below.



Medical Provider List – Excel Sheet

Medical Provider List – PDF