Defining Core Focus Areas

Analyzing the burden of injury and violence in Hawaii is the first step used to determined focus areas for Hawaii. Having high, moderate or low capacity and infrastructure within the EMSIPSB for engagement are also factored into prioritizing injury prevention focus areas.

Core focus areas are identified with having high capacity and infrastructure for engagement by EMSIPSB. Core areas include five web-based components 1) the goal 2) problem statement, 3) long-term indicators, 4) SMART objectives, and 5) recommended strategies. Special and emerging focus areas are identified with having moderate to low capacity and infrastructure for engagement by EMSIPSB. While the EMSIPB is the lead for core areas, the Maternal and Child Health Branch (MCHB), Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division (ADAD), and Hawaii Concussion Awareness Management Program (HCAMP) are the lead agencies and community partners for special and emerging areas. For this reason, special and emerging focus area will only show a brief magnitude of the problem, and recommended strategies.

The Social Ecological Model is used as a guiding approach for EMSIPSB’s work to prevent injuries in Hawaii. To frame our impact, strategies within each focus area are aligned across the individual, relationship, community, and societal levels of influence.

Core Areas

  • Drowning Prevention
  • Fall Prevention Among Adults
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Traffic Safety

Special and Emerging Areas

  • Child Injury Prevention
  • Intimate Partner Violence
  • Poisoning Prevention
  • Traffic Safety