Kupuna Lama, Transition, Healing by the Art series: adjust to life’s changes, loss, retirement, divorce, etc. ($49, Wednesday 09:00 AM – 10:30 AM, 05/18/2022 to 07/13/2022). For additional information: aunty Pua, [email protected]
Archives by Month:
Re-establishing families as the secure base in the aftermath of DV (CFIS, Drexel University): free, virtual conference. (05/26/2022 – 05/27/2022, 09:00 AM – 12:30 PM ET). For information: https://drexel.edu/familyintervention/abft-training-program/abft-training/Domestic%20Violence%20Conference/
Hike for Hope Hawaii (AFSP). (06/01/2022 – 06/30/2022). To learn more:https://afsp.org/chapter/hawaii#events
Third National Conference Harnessing Community Strengths: Changing Systems for Youth Suicide Prevention To register: https://www.youthsuicideresearch.org/
Session One of Three is a 120-Minute learning community with presenters: Selena Webster-Bass, MPH, DMin, Rachel Gaiter, MBA, MS, Ph.D. (c). Participants will explore cultural self-awareness in working effectively across cultural differences with families facing severe mental illnesses, learn practical strategies for working compassionately and authentically with diverse families facing severe emotional disturbances based on ...
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Conversations: Cultivating Cultural Humility and Managing Biases with Families Facing Serious Mental Illnesses and Serious Emotional Disturbances – Session One
NAMICon 2022: together for Mental Health. (Virtual, $10 – $25, 06/14/2022 – 06/16/2022). To register: https://events.nami.org/namicon2022/
Cognitive behavioral therapy for suicidal behavior (SPRC). (Free, virtual, available 06/22/2022 to 09/19/2022). To access: https://education.psychiatry.org/diweb/catalog/item?id=9418268
Caring contact training (Center for Suicide Prevention and Recovery) via text. (Free, virtual) To register: https://redcap.iths.org/surveys/?s=TDXA7XY3FCM7HLWN
Let her play (MHAH): the importance of pro-social activities for LGBTQ+ people). (Free, virtual, 07/06/2022, 12:00 PM – 01:00 PM HST). Register before 07/05/2022: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2KGHFSB
988 and what it means for families of people with serious mental illness (NAMI). (Free, virtual, 07/11/2022, 02:00 ET). To register: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEudu-grTIrH9Y-kEn784VtqqUNgOXe9xW1