2022 Child & school counseling online summit (ACA). (Live online 02/11/2022 – 02/13/2022). To register: https://www.mentalhealthacademy.net/childsummit#registration
Archives by Month:
Law enforcement suicide data collection (BJA, FBI, EDC). (Free, virtual, Part 1: 02/15/2022 02:00 EST; Part 2: 02/23/2022, 03:00 EST). To register: https://teams.microsoft.com/registration/EfnUjO7UREuv_KjIljqMqQ,BjGBtt1h2k2Vt1B_-E6wVg,vaA_NYEQLE6-Dcg29xlMuw,TnghafExi0iERFOaXeX7fg,eGIvx5-zZEmSqPRYEigddg,K138KdyN_E–0JZnl0x–g?mode=read&tenantId=8cd4f911-d4ee-4b44-affc-a8c8963a8ca9
SP 101 (MHAH): Pukalani Elementary location (02/16/2022). For information email: [email protected]
MHA’s unique county and state data live webinar: analysis of 2.6 million mental health screens from 2020 and 2021 by MHA. (Free, virtual, 02/16/2022, 01:00 PM EST). To register: https://mhanational.org/events/county-and-state-data-mapping-mental-health-our-communities
Rethinking substance use (NFSTAC): an earlier and broader approach. (Free, virtual, 02/16/2022, 09:00 AM – 10:30 AM HST). To register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rethinking-substance-use-an-earlier-and-broader-approach-tickets-243212313577
Healing & Grief (MHAH): open to everyone interested in learning about healing, grief, and available resources. (Free, virtual, 02/16/2022, 12:00 PM – 01:00 PM). To register by 02/15/2022: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MWSLTLC
The power of peers in suicide care (Jasper Health). (Free, virtual, 02/24/2022, 11:00 AM ET). To register: https://jasprhealth.com/webinar-rsvp/?utm_source=Jaspr+Health&utm_campaign=9317e5fe48-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_01_27_07_16_COPY_03&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d2cd6a7280-9317e5fe48-513694166
Mental Health First Aid (MHAH): (02/24/2022). For information email: [email protected]
SP 101 (MHAH): Open training (Free, virtual, 02/24/2022, 12:00 PM – 01:00 PM). To register: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MT6LS2W
19th Hawaii international summit on preventing, assessing & treating trauma across the lifespan (IVAT): trauma informed care from a cultural perspective. (In person, early bird $495, 03/28/2022 – 04/01/2022). For information: https://www.ivatcenters.org/hawaii-summit