International Survivor of Suicide Loss Day (AFSP) For information contact: Mestisa Gass,[email protected], and Kathleen Merriam, [email protected]. To register:
Archives by Month:
Families aging with mental health and substance use (FFCMH): families with the lived experience caring for an older adult who struggles with mental illness. (Free, virtual, 12/01/2021, 10:00 AM PT). To register:
Dialogue on guns & suicide prevention by diverse stakeholders (Convergence Center for Policy Resolution). (Free, virtual, 12/07/2021, 08:00 AM – 09:30 AM HST). To register:
International prevention programs to inform sexual and intimate partner violence prevention in the U.S. (Prevent Connect). (Free, virtual, 12/08/2021, 11:00 AM PT). To register:
Topic MMH 101 (Complimentary) Description Learn about the range of maternal mental health disorders, the prevalence, signs and symptoms and recommended treatment options in this complimentary webinar hosted by 2020 Mom and presented by Postpartum Support International. Time Dec 9, 2021 10:30 AM in Pacific Time (US and Canada) To register:
Improving the ED experience for suicidal patients and their providers (ZeroSuicide Insitute). (Free, virtual, 12/14/2021, 09:00 AM PT). To register:
Family connections (NFSTAC): a virtual community for parents and caregivers who support loved ones facing substance use and/or mental health challenges. (Free, virtual, 02/03/2022, 01:00 PM – 02:30 PM EST). To register:
Addressing the behavioral health needs of our National Guard and reserve components (SAMHSA). (Free, virtual, 02/03/2022, 01:00 PM ET). To register:
Telemental-health group service delivery (MHTTC). (Free, virtual, Part I: 02/04/2022, 11:00 AM PT; Part II: 02/11/2022, 11:00 AM PT). To register:
A practice in coping skills (MHAH): self-care and coping skills to manage anxiety in three distinct ranges. (Free, virtual, 02/10/2022, 12:00 PM PT). To register by 02/22/2022: