Hawaii International Summit: preventing, assessing, treating trauma across the lifespan. (In-person, $, 04/07/2024 – 04/11/2024, Honolulu). To register: https://www.ivatcenters.org/hawaii-summit
Archives by Month:
ASIST Suicide Prevention Training (Cohen Clinic, SSG): two-day interactive workshop in suicide first-aid. (In person, free). Contact Melody Bell [email protected] and see attached flyers for information. Oahu registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-cohen-clinic-presents-asist-suicide-prevention-trainings-oahu-tickets-866812358097?aff=erelpanelorg Maui registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-cohen-clinic-presents-asist-suicide-prevention-trainings-maui-tickets-891365386867
Mental Health First Aid Summit. (In-person, $, 04/14/2024, St. Louis). For information: https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/daily_tips/get-ready-for-the-2023-mhfa-summit/
ResilienceCon: interact with colleagues who are interested in strengths-based approaches to understanding, preventing, and responding to violence and other adversities. (In-person, $, 04/14/2024 – 04/16/2024, Nashville, TN). To register: https://www.lifepathsresearch.org/resiliencecon/
Day at The Capital (CAMHD): May Mental Health Month public event. (In-person, free, 05/01/2024, 9:00 AM -2:00 PM resource fair at the Rotunda, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM sign waving). For questions contact: [email protected]
American Association of Suicidology Conference. (In-person, $, 05/05/2024 – 05/10/2024, Las Vegas, NV). For information: https://suicidology.org/aas24/
One-Day Symposium on Harm Reduction, Healing Justice, and Mental Health Approaches (MHTTC): safety, compassion, and dignity. (Virtual, free, 05/07/2024, 6:00 AM – 1:00 PM HST). To register: https://mhttcnetwork.org/event/safety-compassion-and-dignity-a-one-day-symposium-on-harm-reduction-healing-justice-and-mental-health-approaches/
Peer support and youth mental health (EPIC Ohana Youth Partners, MHAH): learn more about peer support and how EPIC Ohana show up for youth during their toughest times. (Virtual, free, 05/08/2024 12 PM – 1 PM HST). To register: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7820533/05-08-24-Hope-Dealers
Beyond stigma (JED Foundation): mental health help-seeking behaviors in teens. (Virtual, free, 05/09/2024 6 AM – 7 AM HST). To register: https://web.cvent.com/event/fe58b139-56c9-46f8-b020-fec2cd1666eb/websitePage:cca8e178-7412-4c05-84df-d5a52faa76ba?rt=wu_GZCT5O0aT3umK16g1Dw
Grow a rainbow (Hawaii Public Health Training Hui): sexual & gender minority 101. (Virtua, free, 05/10/2024 12 PM – 1:30 PM HST). To register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JlF8EP6kSE-IWR8FLJ7Jvw#/registration