Archives by Month:


Tips & strategies for surviving & thriving (MHAH). (Free, virtual, 01/11/2023, 12 PM – 1 PM Hawaii Time). To register:

Reframing language in behavioral health care (NFSTAC): use language as tools. (Virtual, free, 1/18/2023, 2 PM – 3:30 PM EST). To register:

Suicide prevention foundation SP101 (MHAH). (Free, virtual, 01/18/2023, 12 PM Hawaii Time). To register:

Live your life well (MHAH): stress management tips. (Free, virtual, 01/20/2023, 12 PM – 1 PM). To register:

Cognitive & Behavioral Therapy to improve sleep (Cohen Clinic). (In-person, Cohen Clinic Mililani, 02/02/2023, 02/09/2023). For information call 808-204-0420 or email [email protected].

Family-to-family (NAMI): 8-session education program for caregivers of people with mental health conditions. (Free, virtual, 2/4/2023 – 03/25/2023, Saturdays, 9 AM – 12 PM Hawaii Time). To register: email [email protected] or call 808-591-1297

Attachment based-family therapy (CAMS-care): a family safety net approach to suicide treatment. (Free, virtual, 02/07/2023, 1:00 PM Mountain Time). To register:–uKZdRbBWunnG1RkxAQU8hhFZSSsxNCxkrXltAu6OcJXld_N2oIsNyeTJHuT3m7B67TqiR6qXT3BFwPHK9qsoJwWuOtw&utm_content=243783115&utm_source=hs_email

Lama in healing by the arts: loss & grief transition, a 6-week series workshop (18+). ($189, virtual, every Wednesday 02/08 – 03/15/2023, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Hawaii Time). To register:

Caring contacts for suicidal patients (MIRECC): latest research updates. (Free, virtual, 02/08/2023, 2:00 PM ET). To register as non-VA providers: