Office of Health Care Assurance COVID-19 Resources
Posted on Jul 22, 2020 in Office of Health Care Assurance COVID-19 ResourcesCOVID-19 Information for Licensed or Certified Health Care Facilities, Agencies, or Organizations
OHCA mails and emails facilities that are licensed or certified by the Hawaii Department of Health with information on infection control universal protocols, guidance, and tips from CMS, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Hawaii Department of Health and Department of Human Services. The infection control information is applicable to almost every type of care facility, so review the information with an eye for guidance that is required of similar facilities as your own.
Waivers, Exceptions, and Exemptions to OHCA’S Administrative Rules – The Office of Health Care Assurance (OHCA) is requesting the Director’s approval for OHCA to waive, except, and exempt specific rules contained in the Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) under OHCA’s regulatory authority and as allowed by regulatory language contained therein. The Director’s approval is for the period of the COVID-19 emergency period and may be revoked at any time. The objective of this approval is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and “flatten the curve,” while keeping safe any patient, resident, employee or client of OHCA licensed or certified health care facilities, organizations, and agencies, as well as protecting the general public. Read more, 2021-0409_OHCA memo.
Guidance on Healthcare Facility Transfers in the COVID-19 Pandemic – a) only medically stable COVID-19 patients should be transferred from acute to long-term care facilities (LTCFs) which show readiness to accept; b) LTCFs should not transfer patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection unless medically indicated; c) all patients with lab-confirmed COVID-19 should be appropriately isolated with contact and droplet precautions; d) LTCFs must be prepared to receive patients diagnosed with COVID-19 from acute care settings by checking supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the means to test patients. Read more, 2020-05
State Licensing Section COVID-19 information.